Current storm situation: LH Mikl-Leitner, BM Tanner and FF-Kdt Fahrafellner on site in Tullnerfeld

Current storm situation: LH Mikl-Leitner, BM Tanner and FF-Kdt Fahrafellner on site in Tullnerfeld
St.Pölten (OTS) –

State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, together with Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and State Fire Brigade Commander Dietmar Fahrafellner, took a look at the flood situation in Rust near Michelhausen this Monday afternoon. The state governor stated that the country has been “in an exceptional situation for days that has placed great demands on everyone.” On the way here you can see the masses of water and the damage. “The damage is great, the human suffering even greater,” she said. Today, after the firefighter comrade who died in an accident in Michelhausen at the weekend, two more people died today: “Our thoughts are with the relatives and the fire department during these hours.”

At the weekend, over 25,000 fire brigade personnel, over 1,000 army soldiers and hundreds of police officers and emergency services from rescue organizations were deployed across Lower Austria. “They have been giving everything for days and going beyond their limits,” she emphasized. That’s why firefighters from other federal states and forces from the Federal Army were requested as part of an assistance mission. The governor further appealed to the “Lower Austrians to please hold on. Yes, we are still feeling the force of nature, just in the afternoon there was heavy rain again, the rivers have been filled, the retention basins are at their limit, 13 dams have broken and twelve communities cannot be reached. We are all still challenged, we have to tackle things together, stand together and stick together.” She hopes that the situation will ease somewhat from tomorrow afternoon.

“We are here today to send a very clear signal to the people here in Rust and to the population across the country: We are here for you. We are at your side.” In this situation, the mayors are particularly important as local crisis managers, she thanked Mayor Bernhard Heinl on behalf of her.

“They are unbelievable images of a catastrophe. And first and foremost, our deepest condolences to the families of those who died,” said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and further emphasized: “The soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces are always there when they are called. And that will be the case as long as it is necessary.” A total of 2,400 soldiers are available “and more can be added at any time should it become necessary. There are currently around 400 soldiers deployed in Lower Austria. Everything that is necessary will be provided,” said the minister.

State fire brigade commander Dietmar Fahrafellner also expressed his “deep sympathy” to the relatives of those who died. He thanked the firefighters deployed and emphasized: “You did a great job. Hang in there and if you need fresh strength: we have enough reserves. We will work shoulder to shoulder.” There is a “dramatic situation” in Rust, which is why large pumps will be relocated here. The districts of St. Pölten, Tulln, Krems and Horn continue to be particularly badly affected across the country.


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