“Current” question of the week: SPÖ leader Andreas Babler believes half of the potential electorate is too left-wing

Fresher, cheekier and from now on every Friday: political talk “Aktuell: Die Woche” on JOYN, PULS 24 & ATV.

Vienna (OTS) The pointed political talk “Aktuell: Die Woche” with moderator Meinrad KnappPolicy advisor Thomas Hofer and pollsters Peter Hajek reviews the political week every Friday at 6:00 p.m. on PULS 24, at 10:20 p.m. on ATV and on Austria’s SuperStreamer JOYN. Among other things, the results of Peter Hajek’s current opinion survey will be discussed. This time we wanted to know from 500 Austrians how they see the positioning of SPÖ leader Andreas Babler. Was asked: “Which of the following statements about SPÖ leader Andreas Babler do you agree with?”

Among other things, the question was whether Andreas Babler could be elected by those surveyed because he is clearly on the left politically. Among all respondents, left-wing positioning would be a motive for 21 percent to vote for Babler. Unsurprisingly, support for this question was particularly high among SPÖ voters at 66 percent, followed by Green voters at 46 percent. Behind them, with little support, are ÖVP voters with 13 percent, FPÖ supporters as well as NEOS sympathizers with 8 percent each. Babler is potentially electable, but his issues are politically too left-wing for 17 percent of the Austrians surveyed – the breakdown among the different voter groups shows at least 25 percent skepticism due to his left-wing positioning among the SPÖ voters and 29 percent among green voters. What is exciting is that the SPÖ leader could potentially be elected by 31 percent of NEOS voters, but is too left-wing. For ÖVP (18 percent) and FPÖ voters (11 percent), electing Babler is out of the question despite some sympathy due to his positioning. What is exciting is the result of the answer option that Babler cannot be elected under any circumstances – there was a rejection of 40 percent of all respondents. While the rejection among SPÖ voters (4 percent) and Green voters (20 percent) is low, 56 percent of ÖVP voters cannot imagine Babler being elected under any circumstances, and the rejection is even greater in the FPÖ camp with 69 percent. 39 percent of NEOS voters do not want to give Babler their vote.

Peter Hajek: “As a person, Andreas Babler has around 40 percent potential in the Austrian electorate. However, almost every second person in this target group complains that the SPÖ party leader’s positioning is too left-wing. However, elections in Austria are won on the right of center. But maybe second place is enough for the Chancellor.”

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