The CSR Guide 2025 published by Medianet Verlag was presented to the public yesterday at the Austrian trade association in the Vienna Palais Eschenbach. The 16th edition of the annual book is the reference book for Austria’s sustainable companies and all those who are concerned about corporate social responsibility.
Editor Michael Fembek takes a comprehensive look at the multifaceted picture of sustainable entrepreneurial action. The global framework for responsible corporate management has changed suddenly in the past few months, because based on the USA sustainable companies, a frosty wind is now facing a frosty wind and measures in the area of climate change or diversity are withdrawn. connects social responsibility. There are many of them. This can be found in the CSR Guide 2025.
These companies are more needed than ever to show that transformation and economic success go hand in hand. Yes, even more that such companies also use the transformation as a competitive advantage. They need them in public, where they appear with a broad breast and explain which framework conditions they need so that they can move forward and follow others. “The right framework, grants and incentives for companies are also needed. And that also requires the economy, including its large stakeholders, who work for it and not against it, ”says Michael Fembek.
What’s new in the CSR Guide 2025?
The CSR Guide 2025 is more content than ever. As usual, he is divided into several sections. In the first part, current developments and trends were summarized, including an revealing discussion with companies, how the obligation to transparency will affect them in the next few years. According to this, the CSR Guide expert council selected 30 exemplary case studies as every year, in a wide range of topics from circular economy to energy communities and green chemistry. In the service part, a comprehensive overview of training opportunities have been added to the known lists of specialized sustainability consultants as well as CSR networks this year.
As every year, the heart of the CSR Guide represents the listing of a little more than 400 companies, which are committed to CSR and sustainability on the basis of transparent criteria. This list was divided into large companies and SMEs. For example, you can find which companies have received which of the most important awards, certifications or prices. It is also reported on which SDGS which company is committed to who is the official contact person for sustainability in the company and the specification of key data on the sustainability report.
This year, the CSR Guide also offers new data, such as the reporting obligations that apply to thousands of companies from this year. As a first taste of what the upcoming obligation to transparency brings, companies were asked about examples of how they communicate their CO2 indicators, greenhouse gas emissions and green house gas protocol. The key figures of over 100 companies were researched and published in the CSR Guide 2025.
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