Correction of OTS0036: Aviso: Wed, 29.1., 12h: Prominent lawyers appeal to politics: “For an independent Minister of Justice”

Correction of OTS0036: Aviso: Wed, 29.1., 12h: Prominent lawyers appeal to politics: “For an independent Minister of Justice”
Vienna (OTS) –

The government negotiators and Federal President Alexander van der Bellen request that prominent lawyers and Federal President Alexander van der Bellen be committed to an independent and respected person at the head of the Ministry of Justice. Due to the ongoing investigations against high-ranking representatives of FPÖ and ÖVP, they locate possible conflicts of interest, one of these parties should provide the Minister of Justice. A corresponding one from the Initiative for the rule of law Started petition on my. Link to the petition:

Media campaign with photos and speeches on the independence of the Ministry of Justice

The initiative for the rule of law and the campaign organization #aufstehn provide information about the concerns of politics to fill the Ministry of Justice independently. With speeches by: – ​​Michael Ikrath (ABGZNR and justice spokesman for the ÖVP AD); – Heide Schmidt (Abgznr ad); – Oliver Scheiber (judge); – Florian Zillner (judge). Honorary photos on request. Please register at

Datum: 29.01.2025, 12:00 p.m. – 29.01.2025, 12:30 p.m.

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