Coordinator for Psychiatry, Addiction and Drug Issues and Debt Counseling at the FSW warn of risk in sports betting | City vienna

Coordinator for Psychiatry, Addiction and Drug Issues and Debt Counseling at the FSW warn of risk in sports betting |  City vienna

The key is sensitivity and getting help early.

Vienna (OTS) “Sports betting has an increased addictive potential compared to other games of chance.”, warns the coordinator for psychiatry, addiction and drug issues for the city of Vienna, Ewald Lochner. This is due to the illusion of control and the associated overestimation of one’s own knowledge, meaning that players succumb to the illusion that they can influence the outcome of the bet with their own knowledge. Furthermore, the attempt to win back lost money and the high frequency of play, which is particularly possible with online sports betting, play an important role.

While in other countries sports betting, which is given an additional boost by events such as the European Football Championship, is considered gambling, in Austria it is classified as a game of skill. This entails lower tax payment obligations for operators, no advertising bans and a trivialization of the risks. According to calculations by research institutes, the state lost almost 100 million euros in 2023 alone.

“Thanks to digitalization, betting is possible regardless of time and location and is visible everywhere, especially during sporting events. The incentives to bet are often great, for example through goodies or slight initial winnings. So getting started with betting often happens very quickly and is not always questioned.”, Gudrun Steinmann, head of financial education in the debt advice department of the Vienna Social Fund (FSW), describes the risks of sports betting. And further: “In debt advice, we see that online payments in particular are made quickly because, unlike with cash, there is no ‘pain of separation’.”

It’s not about banning sports betting, it’s more important to raise awareness of the risks in society. “Developing risk skills, i.e. having a feeling for when your own behavior or that of family members or friends is questionable, is a good basis. As well as sensitivity to the hidden dangers and possible financial and psychosocial effects of betting,” emphasize Lochner and Steinmann. After all, almost 25 percent of people who bet on sports have problematic gambling behavior. Young, male people and people who are active in sports clubs are particularly at risk. The latter is mainly due to the topic affinity and the group dynamics.

“If you lose control over your own gambling behavior, can no longer take longer breaks from betting or if you fear negative consequences for yourself or those around you, you should urgently seek support. In addition to specialized outpatient and inpatient facilities, there is the option of using the online tool at a low threshold to question your own behavior and, if necessary, take measures.”says Lochner. “Behavioral addictions are certainly comparable to substance-related addictions. Therapy is about questioning your own behavior, finding the trigger and striving for behavioral changes.”adds Lochner.

FSW debt advice also sees an increasing tendency towards sports betting, especially among young people, and the associated financial risks. “Advertising plays a big role in this context, but so does peer pressure.”says Steinmann. She sees overdrafting of the account or when money has to be borrowed from friends in order to place bets or repay debts or even take out loans for this as alarm signals. “Prevention at a young age is crucial here. We also advocate increased sensitivity among family and friends. Betting debts can trigger a vicious circle that can lead to individual catastrophe. Bettors often feel great shame when debts increase. But you shouldn’t just get help when nothing works anymore. Because the sooner someone seeks help, the better help can be received.”says Steinmann.

Lochner and Steinmann believe that it is urgently necessary to declare sports betting as gambling, as is the case in all other EU states. “On the one hand, this could generate additional tax revenue and use it sensibly, but on the other hand, it would involve a ban on advertising, which would also increase player protection. There should also be a quick regulation regarding online sports betting at EU level.”demands Lochner.

Questions & Contact:

Markus Stradner
Press and public relations
Psychosocial services in Vienna/addiction and drug coordination Vienna
Tel.: +43 676 8118 535 98

Elisabeth Jirikowski
Press spokesperson for the Vienna Social Fund
Tel.: +43 676 8289 30635

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