Consumer Arbitration Austria will record a new high in arbitration applications in 2023

Inflation and the energy crisis are further increasing the need for arbitration

Vienna (OTS) With 1,814 applications, the workload at Consumer Arbitration Austria reached a new high for the 7th time in a row. Behind this number of cases are consumers who were unable to solve their problems with companies and did not want to go to court, which is usually due to cost reasons. You have asked Consumer Arbitration Austria to settle your concerns. In two out of three cases, consumers and companies were able to reach an agreement with the help of Consumer Arbitration Austria without incurring any costs for the consumers or companies.

One reason for the sharp increase in the number of applications was significantly higher requirements from district heating suppliers, often more than double. Here, consumers often asked for an explanation of the amount of the prescription and a reduction in the partial amount. Another reason was problems with terminating contracts concluded in better times. This affected, for example, fitness center or insurance contracts that could no longer be afforded due to general inflation. There was also an increase in the number of applications in the rental sector, with this sector involving, for example, disputes about the level of rent, problems with termination or disagreements about necessary improvement work. Finally, in 2023, the number of applications in the travel sector also increased significantly again, with disputes surrounding lost or damaged luggage being the most common reason for applications.

As in previous years, companies were very willing to take part in arbitration proceedings and work towards finding solutions. In more than 80% of cases, companies took part in the essentially voluntary process. Where they did so, an agreement was reached in four out of five cases through the impartial mediation of the arbitration board.

It is gratifying that our offer is being better received with each new year and that, despite the difficult situation of recent years, Austrian companies are mostly willing to participate in our voluntary procedures and to look for out-of-court solutions in disputes“, explains Dr. Simon Eder, managing director and arbitrator at Consumer Arbitration Austria.

Experts support arbitrators

If technical expertise is required in a case to find a solution, Consumer Arbitration Austria can also involve experts in the process thanks to funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs – at no cost to consumers and companies. The experience gained so far shows that this significantly increases the likelihood of a positive case outcome. So far, experts have been particularly active in problems in the furniture sector or in disputes about defects in electrical appliances.

Neither consumers nor companies should miss out on the legal expertise of our arbitrators and the possibility of a free expert assessment. We are able to achieve solutions in the majority of consumer law disputes brought to our attention. If this fails, the path to court is still open“, explains club chairman Dr. Hermann Germ.

What should I do if I have a problem as a consumer?

Consumers who have a problem with a company and cannot find a solution bilaterally can contact Consumer Arbitration Austria using a web form as well as by email or post. All contact information can be found on the facility’s website

General information about the arbitration board

Since January 2016, Consumer Arbitration Austria and seven other state-recognized consumer arbitration boards have been offering free arbitration procedures in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (AStG). While the other arbitration boards cover specialist areas such as disputes arising from electricity and gas deliveries (Arbitration Board at Energie-Control) or telecommunications services (Arbitration Board for Communication Services at RTR), Consumer Arbitration Austria, as a universal arbitration board, has a very broad area of ​​activity. This extends from the commercial sector to the insurance sector to travel and housing problems. The number of arbitration applications is constantly increasing and has quadrupled since 2016.

Questions & Contact:

Consumer Arbitration Austria
Dr. Simon Eder
Managing Director
01 890 63 11

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