“Consciously healthy”: toe yoga – simple exercises for foot health

On July 20th at 5:30 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) Dr. Christine Reiler will present the following articles in the ORF health magazine “Bewusst Gesundheit” on Saturday, July 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON:

Remote controlled – drones as taxis

They are already on the move here and there, at least on test routes – autonomous flying drones that will also transport passengers in the near or somewhat distant future. But how should the interior of air taxis be designed so that people feel safe and in good hands during the short flight? Even if it’s foggy outside or there’s a flock of birds coming your way? At the Austrian Center of Technology in Vienna, Andreas Sackl and his team are trying to find answers to this. For their current research project “IM – FLUGE” they invited 33 people to their test laboratory. Equipped with VR glasses and a heart rate monitor, they were sent on a virtual drone flight – in fair weather, fog and various turbulences. With the help of the data collected, the team wants to find out how passengers react to a wide range of flight conditions and which information is essential in the drone cockpit or an additional stress factor. Design: Nadine Maehs

Climate change and psyche

It is well known that climate change with regular heat waves affects physical health. But climate change also has a strong psychological impact. Environmental medicine professor Hans-Peter Hutter from MedUni Vienna explains how best to deal with this.

Toe yoga – simple exercises for foot health

Only walking upright gave people the opportunity to grow and develop their brains, just as the freed hands made it possible to use tools. However, walking upright puts a lot of strain on our feet, especially because we rarely go barefoot anymore and often force our feet into tight shoes. The result of this is foot problems and deformations, some of which are very painful. To counteract this, sufficient training of the feet would be helpful – “toe yoga”, which you can easily do in front of the TV or at the office workstation. Design: Christian Kugler

“Consciously healthy” tip: Diarrhea

Summertime is travel time and many people are drawn to southern countries. But unfamiliar food or water contaminated with germs can quickly spoil the joy of vacation and trigger diarrhea. Univ.-Prof. explains what quick help can be provided and how best to prevent it. Dr. Siegfried Meryn.

Summer acne – this helps against impure skin

Smooth, clear skin is one of the few beauty ideals that has been valid in all cultures around the world for thousands of years. Anyone who sees pimples and blackheads when looking in the mirror wants to get out of their skin – this applies to teenagers as well as adults. The most severe form of skin impurities is acne and this should always be treated dermatologically. However, if skin imperfections only appear occasionally, herbal remedies can also be used for therapy in order to avoid chemical products. Design: Tommy Schmidle

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