Do we really want to wait until the last playgrounds are washed away from floods?
Photo: dpa/Sina Schuldt
A bourgeois citizen fright preaches without trust in God. Luisa Neubauer asks: “What if we were brave?” She looks at the long ranks of books that have been clarifying climate change for 50 years and which she has already read with her grandmother.
What if we had acted as scientists have been prescribed for decades? The knowledge of climate research has not only become a mainstream in the Sunday speeches, but they were slowly slowed down.
Luisa Neubauer names those who are on the brake. There is the concentrated power of the profiteers of fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas. And the fossil mentality of the people who do not want to do without air travel, combustion car or their now almost common “Sunday roast”. They pass on their behavior to their children as a natural standard, to a generation in which some have understood that they could be members of the last. So far everything is known.
What is new about Luisa Neubauer’s rhetorical question: “What if we are brave?” She understood that the tone makes music. It relies on the cause of the cause, not only in the legal, but especially in the anthropological sense. The climate catastrophe is man -made.
Spectacular actions with adhesive have not managed to disturb the bourgeois deep sleep. So she tries, the trained geographer, with the bourgeois virtues of her grandmother, which in this regard. She appeals cleverly and, as it were, to common common sense, also gives absolution to deviate from the pure teaching of necessities, mild with human weaknesses, but all the more strictly with the fossility of the powerful with the Fossility in the minds of the many.
Luisa Neubauer is aimed at the reasonable ones who know and see it, but not yet the courage to solve the handbrake and co2-Frei Gas to get into a saving future in which the roses bloom, like those in the front yard of George Orwell’s house since 1936.
The author does not give people acquittal, but condemns them on probation. Hopefully she will have more success than her fellow campaigners, who “only” put on demonstrations and actions.
Luisa Neubauer: What if we are brave? Rowohlt, 144 p., Br., € 13.
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