Citizen satisfaction is the focus of the ASZ packaging collection

Citizen satisfaction is the focus of the ASZ packaging collection

When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills. This must be our local political approach, always keeping the well-being of our citizens in mind and expanding systems and offers

Mayor Roland Wohlmuth, Chairman of the Upper Austrian State Waste Association, Chairman of the Supervisory Board O.Ö. LAVU GmbH

Linz (OTS) For over 30 years, we in Upper Austria have built a nationwide unique waste disposal system for citizens. More than 90 fractions are collected in 177 waste material collection centers (ASZ). The ASZ’s comprehensive network has been continually modernized in recent years and is exemplary across Europe. In some districts, more than half of all waste from private households is already collected via the ASZ.

Despite the success, packaging collection in the ASZ faces growing challenges. The competition between commercial and municipal waste disposal companies in municipalities and cities is becoming more and more intense. It should be noted, however, that in addition to the yellow bag collection, the packaging collection will continue without restrictions in all ASZ in Upper Austria.

Survey results confirm citizen satisfaction and the importance of the ASZ for climate protection

The population’s acceptance of the ASZ collection was also confirmed in a recent survey. The recently conducted ASZ customer survey with more than 15,000 participants showed that there are very high satisfaction ratings (between 80 and 90%) regarding ASZ infrastructure, ASZ operations and ASZ staff. 97% are generally satisfied with the ASZ collection, 82% find the required separation accuracy to be just right. The main motives for visiting the ASZ are an individual contribution to climate protection (63%) and the variety of donation options (53%).

The ASZ collection enables the highest material recycling compared to the yellow bag collection, which currently only achieves around 30%. Compared to a mixed collection with subsequent technical sorting, the clean and pure packaging collection in the ASZ results in a significantly higher material yield for recycling while at the same time lower processing costs. From 2025, the legally required recycling rate for plastic packaging will double. The higher recycling efficiency of the ASZ collection that currently exists will also be important in the future.

Material utilization (=recycling) offers a sustainable solution for dealing with resources by promoting the reuse of materials and making a relevant contribution to climate protection. At the same time, it enables energy savings in the manufacturing process, promotes the circular economy and offers economic advantages. This puts less strain on the environment.

Economic and ecological significance of the ASZ in Upper Austria

The total costs for the ASZ are only around 25% of the costs for the residual waste. The proceeds from the ASZ packaging collection flow back to the BAV and communities and make a significant economic contribution to the overall result. This means that citizens can be offered comparatively cheap waste charges if they make an effort to separate waste materials in the ASZ. Furthermore, regional jobs in the ASZ are co-financed with these proceeds. If these packaging revenues are lost, either the fees must be increased or the service offering at the ASZ must be reduced.

The ASZ system in Upper Austria has proven itself as a leading collection system and will continue to play a central role in regional waste management. It is crucial that the system is not only maintained, but also continuously improved in order to make ecologically sustainable contributions to recycling.

Local decisions and the future of the ASZ

The opening or closing of ASZs is the responsibility of the individual decisions of the respective districts/BAVs. For example, in the last few weeks the BAV Vöcklabruck (ASZ Frankenmarkt) and Ried (ASZ Obernberg) opened new ASZs with a full collection offer. A modern ASZ is currently being built in Pabneukirchen in the Perg district.

There is a great consensus in Upper Austria, both at state and local level, that the ASZ collection in general and in particular the collection of plastic packaging will be organized uniformly across the country, as before. The above-mentioned ecological and economic advantages of the ASZ collection should also be able to be offered to citizens at any time in the future for all types of packaging.

When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills. This must be our local political approach, always keeping the well-being of our citizens in mind and expanding systems and offers“, says Mayor Roland Wohlmuth, Chairman of the Upper Austrian State Waste Association, Chairman of the Supervisory Board O.Ö. LAVU GmbH.

Section 29b of the Federal AWG also stipulates that existing municipal collection facilities, as well as the ASZ, must be taken into account in the nationwide collection offer for packaging and therefore the collection and recycling systems must conclude contracts with the district waste associations, even after 2025. Negotiations are still beginning on this in January 2024. The majority of the district waste associations would like to continue to offer the full range of waste collection for citizens and SMEs in the ASZ all year round.

Questions & Contact:

Mayor Roland Wohlmuth, Chairman Upper Austria. State Waste Association
Mobil: 0676 845 907 200

DI Thomas Anderer, Managing Director Upper Austria. State Waste Association
Tel.: 0732-795303-0

DI Christian Ehrengruber, Managing Director O.Ö. LAVU GmbH
Tel: 07242 77977 70

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