“Citizen Lawyer”: Kick-back payments – have banks wrongly collected commissions?

On December 9th at 6 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Peter Resetarits will present the following contributions in the program “Citizen Attorney” on Saturday, December 9, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. on ORF 2:

Expensive vaccination: Why is the vaccination against shingles not paid for by the state?

Herpes zoster, also commonly known as shingles, is a painful, contagious disease. You can prevent getting sick with a vaccination. But the vaccine is very expensive and is not covered by health insurance – although the vaccination is recommended by the Ministry of Health for people aged 50 and over. Ombudsman Bernhard Achitz is now calling for appropriate financial support.

Money for victims of abuse: Children were victims of violence in hospitals. Did they receive compensation?

Compensation has been available for those affected for several years. But people keep reporting to the Ombudsman’s Office who claim to be entitled to it, but who receive nothing because they did not meet certain deadlines for reporting. The Ombudsman has also demanded compensation in such cases. Did this happen after a discussion on the “Citizens’ Lawyer” program?

Protest against landfill: Will 185,000 cubic meters of earth be dumped in Strobl on Lake Wolfgangsee?

A 700 meter long excavated landfill is planned along a road. The residents assume that truck traffic in Strobl am Wolfgangsee will increase massively, fear emissions and worry about the safety of the children in the area. The project applicant only partially understands the excitement. He argues that the excavated landfill will create a kind of noise barrier. He also assures that only soil is used there and no pollutants are used. Will the project be implemented?

Kick-back payments: Have banks wrongly collected commissions?

Mr. B. demands 18,000 euros back from his bank. The reason:
hidden kickback payments. For years, banks have received a commission from investment companies for arranging securities accounts. In addition, they also receive so-called portfolio commissions – for keeping certain funds and securities in their portfolio. According to the Association for Consumer Information, customers have not been sufficiently informed about these kick-back payments in recent years. The result: the money has to be paid back. A collection campaign for affected bank customers has been started.

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