“Citizen Attorney”: More help for Long Covid patients demanded

On January 13th at 6 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Peter Resetarits will present the following contributions in the program “Citizens’ Lawyer” on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. on ORF 2:

More help required for Long Covid patients

For two years, Ms. S. from Mattighofen in Upper Austria has not been able to leave her room in her parents’ house. The 42-year-old suffers from infectious syndrome ME/CFS. This means that she has to spend a large part of the day in bed and is dependent on outside help. Up to 80,000 people in Austria are currently said to be suffering from ME/CFS. Most of them have previously been infected with the coronavirus. They say that those affected receive insufficient competent treatment for their illness. On the contrary, many Long Covid wards are currently being closed, criticizes Ombudsman Bernhard Achitz.

Inquired: Grotesque about segregation notices

After an employee in a Viennese company fell ill with Covid, nine of his colleagues were ordered by the authorities to stay at home. Eight subsequently received a segregation notice. This meant that the company had its wages reimbursed by the state. But one employee did not receive a separation notice and his wages were not replaced. According to a report by “ Bürgeranwalt “, after years of waiting there now seems to be a solution.

Is an excellent photovoltaic system at risk of being demolished?

Michael Resch wants to produce so much solar power with his photovoltaic system that he can do without external electricity in the future. The pensioner from Niederalm near Salzburg designed his system according to a sophisticated plan so that it generates enough electricity even when it snows. In 2023, Mr. Resch received the “Austrian Solar Prize” for this. A little later, however, he received a notice from the responsible municipality of Anif to dismantle or dismantle large parts of the system. The reason: The solar panels would disrupt the townscape of Niederalm. The “Citizen Lawyer” studio discusses whether the legal framework for such systems is hindering an energy transition.

Inquired: Unsuccessful purchase of an apartment – ​​who pays the late payment interest?

Ms. R. bought an attic apartment in Vienna in 2021. However, before the planned handover, the developer withdrew from the purchase contract because the purchase price installments had not been transferred by the trustee on time. However, Ms. R. assures that the money is in the bank and ready for retrieval. Because of the late payment, she then had to pay 24,000 euros in “default interest”. Who is responsible for the error? Will Ms. R. be stuck with the additional costs?

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