Child protection when volunteering and traveling: challenges and helpful tips

The importance of child protection measures and raising awareness to protect children on the move

Vienna (OTS) Vienna, June 28, 2024 – ECPAT Austria, a leading organization in the field of child protection, is drawing attention to an often neglected topic just in time for the upcoming travel season and the upcoming high school graduation trips: the protection of children when traveling and volunteering abroad as well as in development cooperation.

Strengthen protection concepts in development cooperation

ECPAT Austria has been intensively involved in this for almost two and a half years Project “Strengthening protection concepts in development cooperation”, funded by the Austrian Development Agency. In collaboration with partner organizations in the field of development cooperation, numerous topic-specific training and consultations were carried out and a wide range of working materials were developed.

As part of the project, ECPAT Austria also worked together with WeltWegWeiser, the service center for international volunteer assignments, on an extensive further development of child protection standards for international assignments. “Awareness of the need for systematic protection against violence in development cooperation is increasing”, explains Waltraud Gugerbauer, Managing Director of ECPAT Austria. The results of an online survey among Austrian development cooperation organizations conducted internally in 2022 show that around 80% of the participating organizations recorded positive effects from protection concepts. At the same time, it became clear that 20% of organizations see these concepts as just a mandatory exercise with no impact. “However, as part of our diverse activities, we have succeeded in further raising awareness of the need for measures to protect children in development cooperation.”, says Gugerbauer happily.

Challenges and necessary resources

Despite the positive developments, significant challenges remain. Many organizations point out that additional financial and human resources are required to ensure the effective implementation of child protection standards together with their international partner organizations. Comprehensive information about the rights of children and about all forms of violence, especially psychological violence, must continue to be given strong consideration in on-site training and education as well as in the preparation phase when sending volunteers. “There is a need for special training and advice as well as long-term support for protective measures in development cooperation. Project budgets need a budget line for child protection measuresdemands Gugerbauer.

Volunteering: Doing good while traveling?

The demand for stays abroad with volunteer work for young people is increasing. Projects with children, such as in orphanages, schools or childcare facilities, are particularly popular. They offer young people supposedly unique opportunities to gain valuable intercultural experience and to support community and projects for a good cause. From a child rights perspective, the “orphanage tourism” that arises from this demand is viewed very critically or even rejected entirely, as it is not always carried out in the interests of the children, but also to generate income from volunteers and tourists. Some private providers allow you to work without pedagogical training or a police clearance certificate, which further increases the risk of exploitation and violence against children.

Vulnerable target groups need more attention

“Volunteers themselves must also be taken into account in violence protection measures as a vulnerable target group and those potentially affected by violence. Different cultural perspectives represent a great challenge for them, in which young volunteers are increasingly given responsibility.”, explains Kerstin Dohnal, project manager and expert for child protection in tourism at ECPAT Austria.

There is great interest in the topic of child protection and safeguarding among both sending organizations and volunteers, as is the recognition of existing knowledge gaps. “Awareness-raising and exchange in the context of development cooperation must continue to go hand in hand. The topic of inclusion in particular needs continuous networking opportunities so that child protection in the future is designed in such a way that exclusionary ways of thinking are dissolved.”, with Catch up.

Helpful information for volunteer work and child protection while traveling

When selecting the sending organization, prospective volunteers can rely on respected institutions that are committed to high standards, such as the member organizations of WeltWegWeiser.

About the website Suspected cases of sexual violence and exploitation of children can be reported quickly and easily worldwide.

Further information for volunteers and travelers:

Questions & Contact:

ECPAT Austria
Anita Smart
+43 6506556660

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