Child and youth welfare at a crossroads

Child and youth welfare at a crossroads

The umbrella organization “Austrian child and youth welfare institutions” (DÖJ) and the specialist association “FICE Austria” are committed to sustainable improvements in child and youth welfare in Austria. In view of growing social challenges, they call on political decision-makers to take decisive action to better protect and support children and young people. In a joint position paper, the organizations are calling for far-reaching reforms. The goal: more justice, stronger prevention and improved cooperation between the federal and state governments.

Equal opportunities for all children and young people

While the constitution stipulates the priority of the child’s well-being, current statistics show serious differences in the support provided by child and youth welfare services. This also leads to a blocking of progress, which is clearly shown by the example of help for young adults (care leavers), says Annemarie Schlack, managing director of SOS Children’s Villages, which is a member of both umbrella organizations: “All children in Austria have the same rights, regardless of which federal state they live in. At the moment, however, it depends on where you live whether and what support a child or family receives from child and youth welfare. This inequality urgently needs to be eliminated. At the same time, the overall quality must also improve.”said Schlack.

Urgent reforms for sustainable child and youth welfare

According to Schlack, further development of child and youth welfare would also slow down the current division of competencies between the federal and state governments. “There is a lack of clear, formalized cooperation structures that enable both innovation and improved crisis management.” Especially in crisis situations, such as the corona pandemic, it has become clear how necessary national crisis management is for child and youth welfare, said Schlack. The associations are also calling for the establishment of a mandatory participatory standard that enables children, young people and their families to have an active say in all measures.

Innovation and Prevention Fund

In view of the increasing challenges in child and youth welfare, DÖJ and FICE Austria are calling for the creation of an annual federal fund of 30 million euros, which is to be used for innovative and preventive projects. “We have to act early to avoid expensive support measures and to relieve the burden on families.”says Löffler. The funds should be able to be used flexibly in order to react quickly to current problems such as juvenile delinquency or growing stress in families.

Part-time training for child and youth welfare specialists

A central demand of the position paper is the creation of practice-oriented, part-time training. “The requirements in child and youth welfare are specific and high, which is why a close connection between theory and practice is essential.“The training structures are currently too fragmented, which makes the recognition of qualifications more difficult, says Schlack.

Promoting research and data analysis

Finally, the two associations are calling for a research fund of 10 million euros annually to provide scientific support for child and youth welfare and to develop measures based on current data. “Only through sound research can we increase the effectiveness of aid measures and ensure long-term success”says Löffler.

Urgent need for political action

Child and youth welfare in Austria is at a crossroads, said Schlack. “Without decisive policy action, we risk particularly vulnerable children and young people not receiving the support they need. It is the responsibility of politicians to now set the course for fairer and future-proof child and youth welfare.”

Link to the demand paper:

**About DÖJ and FICE Austria**
The umbrella organization “Austrian child and youth welfare institutions” (DÖJ) represents around 150 private child and youth welfare institutions throughout Austria. FICE Austria is a professional association that has been committed to the quality of child and youth welfare since 1959.

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