Personalized treatment concepts in modern cancer therapy
In his lecture on January 30, 2025, the oncologist Univ informs. Prof. Dr. Johannes Drach on targeted therapies for cancer and answers questions from those affected and interested. The event…
Portal Berita Terupdate Di Dunia
In his lecture on January 30, 2025, the oncologist Univ informs. Prof. Dr. Johannes Drach on targeted therapies for cancer and answers questions from those affected and interested. The event…
Innsbruck (OTS) – After successful stations in Vienna, Upper Austria, Styria, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, Klagenfurt and Lower Austria, the hiking exhibition “Living with the Future” is now a guest appearance in…
Vienna (OTS) – If: Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.Wo: Before the parliament in 1010 Vienna, Dr. Karl-Renner Ring 3 Was: Activist: Inside present A2 pictures of…
Vienna (OTS) – Ideology, resistance, democracy – all the forms of media with and especially: radio. The new HDGÖ exhibition It sparks! Austria between propaganda and protest Shows how language…
St. Pölten (ots) – Housing, leisure & digitization, banks and insurance companies – these topics were most frequently asked for in 2024 at AK Niederösterreich -Consumenteratung. AK Lower Austria President…
Vienna (OTS) – How many and which people are affected by addiction? How has the Austrian addiction behavior changed: and what current trends and challenges are there? These and other…
Vienna (OTS) – The government negotiators and Federal President Alexander van der Bellen request that prominent lawyers and Federal President Alexander van der Bellen be committed to an independent and…
His name is inextricably linked to the history of alpinism: as a co -founder, idea of ideas and implementers, Johann Stüdl shaped the first decades of the Alpine Club. The…
SPÖ Carinthia Holocaust Memorial Day SPÖ-Kaiser: “Never again” is now-reminder and responsibility on the Holocaust Memorial Day Kaiser: “Never again” must not only be a lip service. It is the…
Vienna (OTS) – The Visual Computing Trends Symposium will take place on January 30, 2025 at the Tech Gate Vienna. The four renowned visual computing researchers – Kwan-Liu Ma (University…