US Racism – Tommy Orange: How to Be Torn Apart
The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 Photo: Tommy Orange is probably one of the media’s most well-known indigenous people in the USA at the moment. The 43-year-old writer, who…
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The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 Photo: Tommy Orange is probably one of the media’s most well-known indigenous people in the USA at the moment. The 43-year-old writer, who…
Only seemingly out of time “Doña Rosita remains single” at the RambaZamba Theater Photo: Phillip Zwanzig One of her farewell productions as director of the Berlin RambaZamba Theater in 2014…
The only sensible way to deal with cars. Photo: PublicDomainPictures/pixabay A car manufacturer is trying to lure me with advertising for its new model. This, the ad says, offers “simply…
The square between the municipal art collections (left) and the opera house (back) is a popular place for open-air culture in the European cultural capital Chemnitz. Photo: Nasser Hashemi Gabi…
Marc Scout (Adam Scott) has found the super hack: work and private life have to be linked, otherwise there will be no rebellion. Photo: Apple TV+ When Marc Scout (Adam…
How to capture speculative capital? Foto: IMAGO/imageBROKER Overfished, overvalued, overcommunicated, overloaded with brands, overaesthetized, overmedicated, monitored, overvirtualized, overmediaized” (Arthur Kroker and David Cook, 1989): Today it is particularly speculative capitalization…
His writings belong to the ABC of left-wing thinking in Germany: Hermann L. Gremliza. Foto: picture alliance/dpa More rearmament, more state coercion, more Germany – that’s what the federal election…
Now less playful: The friends with singer Ray van Zeschau (1st from right) Photo: US Signal Corps/Michael Raadts Telling the story of the band Friends of the Italian Opera is…
Real rising star story: From the son of a craftsman to the most important poet in the world (Shakespeare, Daniel Boyarsky, middle) Foto: 72Film/All3 Media/International It was to be expected…
Overall, the aesthetics of a car crash. Foto: SWR/Library of Congress The extraordinary thing about a state of emergency is usually not how repulsive it is, but how attractive it…