Carinthian regional leaders at the Bishops’ Conference celebratory mass

Cardinal Schönborn at a church service in Tanzenberg: “Forgiveness is a risk, but as a practiced attitude it is the basis for real justice” – Governor Kaiser and Bishop Marketz emphasize the political culture of togetherness in Carinthia

Tanzenberg (KAP) With Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) and his two deputies Gaby Schaunig (SPÖ) and Martin Gruber (ÖVP), the top of the Carinthian state government celebrated the celebratory service of the Bishops’ Conference in Tanzenberg on Tuesday evening. He was grateful for the “impressive sign of appreciation for the church” expressed by the host Carinthian Bishop Josef Marketz at the end of the service and at the subsequent reception. “The church wants to be there for the people and give good impulses to the country.” The celebratory service with the bishops was led by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, who placed the basic Christian attitude of forgiveness at the center of his sermon.

“Forgiveness is a risk, but as an attitude it is the basis for real justice,” emphasized the Archbishop of Vienna, referring to the daily Gospel with the parable of the merciless servant (Mt 18:21-35). The willingness to forgive is at the core of the Christian faith, said the cardinal, referring to the Lord’s Prayer, which says: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

The prerequisite for forgiveness is the willingness “not just to look for faults in others, but to look at yourself first.” Ultimately, it is important to take God’s measure: “Be merciful as God is merciful,” was Jesus’ instruction. But that doesn’t mean ignoring the question of justice. Schönborn literally: “Don’t you have to insist on justice? Yes. But you need the basic attitude of forgiveness, which changes hearts.”

Living togetherness

Governor Kaiser, like Bishop Marketz, emphasized the lived political culture of togetherness in the state to the numerous guests from church, politics and society. Whether as a church, social partner or state politics, “we live together with different approaches.” This gave Carinthia “a different image” compared to before. The collaboration with the church is evident in the effort to “help the weakest in society.” Therefore, there are always points of contact with Caritas when it comes to looking after refugees. “I am very happy that we have such a bishops’ conference,” Kaiser concluded.

“As a church, we want to be able to form an alliance and work together for the good of people because God is human-friendly,” said the chairman of the bishops’ conference, Archbishop Franz Lackner. “We don’t want to rip anyone off, nor do we want to be ripped off ourselves,” the Salzburg Archbishop added ironically.

Liturgical climax

The festive service with numerous believers and diocesan officials in the seminar church in the “Marianum Tanzenberg” was the liturgical highlight of the spring general assembly of the Bishops’ Conference. It was co-designed by the youth choir of the local secondary school.

The bishops’ deliberations began on Monday in St. Georgen Abbey on Längensee and will last until Thursday. The results of the general assembly of the Bishops’ Conference will be announced by its deputy chairman, Linz Diocesan Bishop Manfred Scheuer, at a press conference in Vienna on Friday, March 8, at 10 a.m. in the “Club Stephansplatz 4” (1010 Vienna, Stephansplatz 4).

(Free images from the General Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference at

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