Caring means contributing to the success of life

Caring means contributing to the success of life

President of the Lebenswelt Heim Federal Association Jakob Kabas on International Care Day

Vienna (OTS)‘The whole of life is an attempt to keep it’ is a quote attributed to the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. Care is a contribution to the success of life, that’s what I wrote on International Care Day“, says Jakob Kabas, President of the Lebenswelt Heim Federal Association.

Life is complexity and concretenesswhich is why the academic training of the professions is needed as well as the immediate and authentic encounter with the people entrusted with care and support.

Life is a risk and a journey, That’s why empirical approaches and empathic approaches are also needed.

Life is risk and resonance, That’s why evidence is needed when making decisions and consistency when acting.

Life is vulnerability and wonderwhich is why there needs to be an acceleration in the availability and networking of knowledge as well as a deceleration in daily interaction.

Life has value and dignity, that’s why it needs documentation and existence.

Life is strength and weaknessthat’s why you need to take back your own will and surrender to the other’s being.

Life is uniqueness and diversitywhich is why individual creative space and democratically legitimized framework conditions are needed.

Today, on International Nursing Day, I would like to thank all the people who put their lives, full-time or voluntarily, into the service of caring for and caring for people. I would like to thank you for your contribution to the success of life, because we need a well-kept life as well as practiced care so that society can succeed.

Questions & Contact:

Living World Home Federal Association
Claudia Hofmann, M.A.
Secretary General
+ 43 (0)681 104 75 795

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