Caricature Museum Krems: big anniversaries in 2024

Caricature Museum Krems: big anniversaries in 2024

Austria’s only museum for satirical art opens an exciting year of exhibitions with an anniversary show to mark 75 years of Manfred Deix.

Krems (OTS) On the 75th birthday of Manfred Deix (1949 – 2016), the Krems Caricature Museum is dedicating the anniversary show “I Love Deix” to the enfant terrible of the caricature scene from February 17, 2024. The next exhibition highlight will follow in the summer with the presentation of “Simpsons” originals from the William Heeter and Kristi Correa collection for the first time in Europe. The cult TV series is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year.

Manfred Deix would celebrate his 75th birthday on February 22, 2024. Like no other, the exceptional artist knew how to look into the depths of the Austrian soul and depict them on paper. In his cartoons you can recognize the regulars at the pub as well as personalities from politics and society. In our anniversary show, visitors will meet some of these well-known facessaid Gottfried Gusenbauer, artistic director of the Krems Caricature Museum.

As an artistic multi-talent, Manfred Deix was a graphic artist, cartoonist and poet at the same time. With his art he provoked, shocked and shook up social taboos like no Austrian artist had ever done before. In addition to countless solo exhibitions and publications, the term “Deixfigur” in the Duden and the first Austrian animated film “ROTZBUB – the DEIX Film” (2021) bear witness to the popularity of the native Lower Austrian. Deix, alongside Gustav Peichl alias IRONIMUS, is considered a co-founder of the Krems Caricature Museum.

“The Cat King” in the original
Favorite motifs, highlights and originals that have not been shown for a long time determine the selection of the approximately 70 works from “I Love Deix” (02/17/2024 – 02/02/2025). In addition to the anniversary exhibition, there is an excursion. This compares Manfred Deix with artist Werner Berg and shows that Deix was also a talented painter.

Leave-Archive 2024
With a newly curated selection of over 60 originals, the in-house Deix archive sheds light on the young, prominent, uncomfortable, political, strict, religious and erotic Deix. It is also dedicated to one of the artist’s favorite motifs: Jörg Haider, who died in 2008.

Program on February 22nd
On February 22nd, Manfred Deix’s birthday, visitors to the Krems Caricature Museum can expect a special program with anniversary tours and original attention.

Simpsons cartoons for the first time in Europe

In 2024 we will not only celebrate Manfred Deix’s 75th birthday, but also the 35th anniversary of The Simpsons. It is a particular pleasure for me that we are the first museum in Europe to show over 150 original cartoons from the extraordinary collection of William Heeter and Kristi Correa, explains Anna Steinmair, curator of the Krems Caricature Museum. “Here comes Bart!” (July 13, 2024 – June 29, 2025) invites you into the crazy world of the TV cult family with hand-drawn images from the first thirteen seasons. There is also an excursus on this exhibition. With caricatures by Manfred Deix, Erich Sokol and Bruno Haberzettl, we search for traces of the drawn stories about the Zwentendorf nuclear power plant.

Based on the fact that the character Homer works in a nuclear power plant, “Here Comes Bart!” a cooperation with EVN was launched. On “Homer’s Radioactive Tour” at the Zwentendorf nuclear power plant, visitors learn exciting facts about the construction and function of the power plant. Historical caricatures and “Simpsons” motifs promise an entertaining tour.

Family special

“Full energy ahead” is the motto for young and old at the family special of the same name (July 13, 2024 – June 29, 2025). Interesting and surprising information about energy is conveyed interactively, including with the walk-in installation by the artist duo Mars+Blum.

You can find detailed media information here:

Press photos of the exhibitions are available below this link available.

Questions & Contact:

Krems Caricature Museum
Daniela Bernhard
+43 664 60499 187

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