“Burned down”: “At the scene of judgment” about the chances of citizens against seemingly overwhelming opponents

On February 22nd at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) What happens in court if a lawyer, a guardianship judge or doctors allegedly make mistakes that harm citizens? How do such proceedings work in court? What chances do the plaintiffs have against seemingly overwhelming opponents? “Am Schauplatzgericht” has followed three such trials for years and will report on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2 how they turned out.

Case one: A refrigerator stored in the attic of an apartment building in Vienna burned down. The resulting major fire and, above all, the extinguishing water used by the fire department caused serious damage to the condominiums in the house in Vienna. How could it happen that the innocent homeowners now have to fear for their existence, and what role does a lawyer who has now gone bankrupt play?
In the inheritance matter involving the wealthy “Aunt Traude”, my heirs were deprived of more than a million euros due to a mistake made by a guardianship judge. In this case there are the first judgments against the Republic, which is liable for its organs.
Mr. E. believes he lost 90 percent of his colon due to medical malpractice, and Ms. L., her daughter believes, died because a stroke was not recognized in time in the hospital. The doctors do not admit to having treated lege artis, but argue in court that Mr. E.’s intestinal problems and Ms. L.’s death would have occurred even with optimal treatment. How did the courts rule?

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