Always the best choice: cherry cake
Photo: Congregesign/Pixabay
A few days ago I received my election notification, which means that I am entitled to submit two votes in the upcoming Bundestag election. Basically, this partially organized co -determination simulation is an all -round nice thing. If everything goes smoothly and nobody thinks too much (fortunately so far has always been the case), everyone is satisfied: the “democratic state” FRG with me, the oral and responsible citizen, and my walk to the polling station and I with the satisfactory feeling, mine To have successfully invalidated the ballot and for the mess that will make our lives less bearable in the next four years to not be held responsible. So everything in butter, you should think. If you take the main problem: the inevitable circumstance that a government is formed after the election.
Because I belong to that minority who knows that it doesn’t matter which officials of the democratically elected parties will ultimately make the politics that the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) and the Federal Association of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) want , is the election result for me But traditionally doesn’t matter. The wage cuts, price increases and rent increases come as safe as the deterioration in health care and the climate catastrophe (“golden age”). Which parties will be who support all of this and subsequently describe as “without an alternative” plays a subordinate role.
The good column
Thomas Blum In principle, it does not agree with the prevailing so -called reality. For the time being, he will not be able to change them, but he can use them to exhort them or, if necessary, also cover one. So that the bad withdraws. We are solidarity with his fight against reality. Therefore, “the good column” appears at this point on Mondays. Only the best quality for the best readers! The collected texts can be found at:
But who now thinks – one knows the arguments by heart – that it is possible to “choose the little evil”, “to” constructively participate in the democratic will formation process “and” prevent the worst “, has the next problem: Choosing links will be trickier from choice to election. Because the huge challenge for the voter now is to find one among the two and a half left splinter parties that are still on offer that has not yet fully adapted their program to the needs of the largest internet droplet. This is not easy in times when – so that the neo -Nazis are not chosen – all bourgeois parties are willing to do everything in their power in order to be the better neo -Nazis in the long term.
A friend of mine, convinced anti -fascist and in the heart of anarchist (basically one of those intellectuals threatened with extinction and not yet regulated to the phrase machine, which the left party should actually tear around), recently told me that she was going to be – she was thoroughly think – now choose the Left Party for the first time (after a two decades of two decades, during which the party does not choose because of its “banged bores”, their “diaper -soft social democratic care course” and their “completely humor -exhausted Stone Age anti -imperialism” have).
In order to be able to choose the party with a clear conscience and without abdominal pain, she had to acquire various tactics in recent years to help her not deviate from her election project. For example, she has become used to switching 90 percent of all left -wing savings officials and supporters “on Snooze” on the so -called social media on which she is active. “This is how it can be endured,” said the girlfriend relieved when we recently sat together over coffee and cherry cake. “If I don’t have to listen to these people and don’t have to read anything of them, it is much easier to choose them.” Another tactic of her is to “quickly look in a different direction” when she looks at an election poster. This does not always succeed continuously, but in this way it is spared at least by the “sky -screeching banal dull sense”, which is printed on these posters.
The “crazy anti -Semite”, which is running for the party in her constituency, she could not give her first vote, but: “The left gets my second vote, because it is currently the only party in the Bundestag that does not all that are without exception wants to deport them who are not on the trees. Well, let’s say better: not yet. Because if the perspective that has been going on for 30 years and has been continuing for ten years now, I will soon not be able to rely on it. ”
Conclusio: I am not sure whether, for the sake of a better future, I shouldn’t think much more. In any case, it is certain: it is still “a serious weakness of democracy that it has to judge what the citizen thinks before there is certainty whether he does it at all” (Hans Kasper).
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