Bundestag election-TV duel: Scholz fully turned against Merz

Mouth angle down: Chancellor with mourning miley against no more chancellor

Photo: dpa

On Sunday evening there was “The Duel” between Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and his most promising challenger Friedrich Merz (CDU) on Sunday evening. Unlike suggested, there are no worlds between the two, only survey results. CDU/CSU is currently ranked at around 30 percent, the SPD only creates a little more than half. It is said that such events are less concerned with the influence of the television audience than about reporting. If you believe the big media the day after, it was undecided. So you are not smarter than before.

Even though the Scholz, which was generally classified as a charisma man, was strongly exhausted to stage a role exchange. As if he had received a kind of liveliness injection, he gave the tendency to aggressive challenger of the survey master Merz, who performed smugly as if he was the self -contained chancellor. If the facial expression of Scholz were an emoji, it would be the mourning miley with the corners pulled down. It was also unfavorable for Scholz, the strange line of directing was to place the two opponents on desks directly next to each other, which in Split Screen near Scholz, which is almost a head than Merz, seemed as if it were three meters behind it, like a colleague noticed from the ND editorial team. To look at Merz, he had to look up at him. Most of the time, the two looked forward to Sandra Maischberger and Maybrit Illner, who were allowed to sit and moderately moderated.

Scholz was also close to Merz politically when he boasted of deportation that he had enforced the “toughest laws” and also enacted the toughest sanctions in the case of citizenship. The fact that CDU/CSU had deliberately coordinated with the AfD for the first time was worth less emphasis. The FDP, on the other hand, seems to have become unimportant. For Merz, Germany would be “poorer, but viable” without this party, which Scholz said: “I can’t say that better.”

The climate catastrophe was not spoken at all, hardly about the rental price explosion: Scholz wants to maintain the – unsuitable – rental price brake. He only dared to articulate the claim to social justice that was not yet completely abandoned by his party. In order to ensure at least two percent of the gross domestic product after the special fund has expired from 2028 from 2028, the “reform of the debt brake”, Scholz explained, otherwise the money would have to be brought in with pension, health, street, train, care become”. Merz simply relies on more economic growth, but can certainly imagine weakening the debt brake – aha. Funny was his allegation that the federal government had switched off the last three nuclear power plants under pressure from the Greens, although they ran a tiptop, whereupon Scholz replied to him mathematically that “only 0.00002 percent had to do with economic development”.

Trace elements of a social democratic program were recognizable in Scholz’s vagema project of wanting to tax the richest income with two percent more, which Merz wanted to understand as if it corresponded to an increase in the top tax rate to 60 percent (currently it is 42 percent). Apart from these computing pieces, the impression could not be defended as if two future grand coalitioners understand each other quite well, even if one of them is probably no longer allowed to participate. Little man then?

The candidates in the individual classification: Body tension: Merz low in movement and slightly bent on the too low desk. Scholz with gesture of index fingers, latently dancing between disco and boxing ring. Statellability/Wornness: high with both. Accident -free lecture: Easy advantage for Merz, because Scholz was “a little too excessive”, as Markus Söder then judged. The most important sentences: “Mr. Scholz, Mr. Scholz …” (Merz), “We are missing the money at the front and back” (Scholz).

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