Around 600,000 of the people in Austria According to a recent study by Caritas, people feel lonely more than half of their time. Older people, young people and people at risk of poverty are particularly affected. In order to draw attention to the dangers of loneliness and isolation, the Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists (BÖP) today together with the country’s most important aid organizations for a press conference “Loneliness – a danger to health and society. Act together NOW”.
In a joint effort he has BÖP with Caritas Austria, Diakonie Austria, the Austrian Red Cross, pro mente Austria, Relief Organization Austria, Poverty Conference, Austrian Cancer Aid as well as the Alliance of oncological patient organizations a 10-point list of demands developed in order to take joint action against the psychosocial and social consequences of loneliness.
The 10 demands of the aid organizations against loneliness are:
- end of Taboo and stigmatization of loneliness
- Development of one national action plan
- Establishment of one Coordination office against loneliness
- Numbering economic costs of loneliness and financing evidence-based research
- Expansion of free psychological care
- Right to barrier-free and multilingual Offers against loneliness
- Focus on special vulnerable group
- Appeal to social interaction – Supporting social participation and self-empowerment
- Creating one Culture of new togetherness
- Right to analog offers
Detailed explanations of the 10-point list of requirements can be found here.
“Loneliness is a risk factor for mental health. Lonely people are more susceptible to depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses. But loneliness is not just a burden for those affected, it affects us all. Because if more and more people withdraw from the community and no longer see themselves as part of our society, this weakens social cohesion. I am therefore particularly pleased that all relevant organizations and institutions are taking part and are sending a strong signal to counteract the consequences of loneliness with common demands and to bring the topic out of the taboo zone,” emphasized BÖP President ao. University Prof. Dr. Beate Wimmer-Puchinger.
Statements from the participants ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Beate Wimmer-Puchinger (BÖP President), Mag.a Anna Parr (Caritas General Secretary), Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Sevelda (President of the Austrian Cancer Aid), Elisabeth Anselm (Director of the Austrian Relief Organization), Mag. Martin Schenk (Poverty Conference), Dr. Katharina Moser (Director of Diakonie Austria), Priv. Doc. Dr. Günter Klug (pro mente Austria), ao. University Prof. Dr. Barbara Juen (Austrian Red Cross) and Anita Kienesberger (Alliance of Oncological Patient Organizations) can be found here.