Blue ones block the fixed establishment of the student parliament

Blue ones block the fixed establishment of the student parliament

After the ÖVP’s rejection, the FPÖ prevented the student parliament from being anchored in the state parliament’s rules of procedure

It wouldn’t hurt if all education politicians in the House were forced to deal with the students’ requests through committee work.

George Ecker

St. Pölten (OTS) What is already a reality in many federal states, such as Tyrol and Upper Austria, is still being blocked by the black-blue state government in Lower Austria: the anchoring of the student parliament in the state parliament’s rules of procedure. The Greens wanted to achieve this with a motion: “The student parliament is a place of living democracy where students from all over the country discuss their concerns and at the end present their common views,” says Green education spokesman Georg Ecker. He wanted motions from the student parliament to be discussed in the state parliament’s education committee.

While the FPÖ even submitted motions with similar text around 2020, in today’s state parliament session it prevented the permanent establishment of the student parliament in the state parliament’s rules of procedure by rejecting the Green motion. “Once again it shows: When in opposition, the FPÖ talks a lot, when it is responsible, it stabs our students in the back,” says Ecker. But he is also disappointed with the ÖVP: “It wouldn’t hurt if all education politicians in the House were forced to deal with the students’ requests through committee work. This means more work for us MPs, but it has to be absolutely worth it to us. The ÖVP Lower Austria is once again failing to live up to its own performance standards.”

Questions & Contact:

Michael Pinnow
Press spokesman for the Lower Austrian Greens

The Greens in the Lower Austrian state parliament
New Herrengasse 1/Haus 1/2. floor
3100 St. Pölten
Telephone office: 02742/9005 16702
Telephone mobile: 0676/944 72 69

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