Blatant differences in renovation funding between the federal states

The environmental protection organization Global 2000 has the grant for thermal renovation and boiler exchange of a comprehensive analysis subjected. Using a sample calculation, there are big differences between the federal states: “It makes a big difference whether you renovate your house in Tyrol and renew your heating or in Upper Austria. Because of the lack of support from the country, households in Upper Austria pay about twice as much as those in Tyrol. It is time to finally ensure stable and attractive funding conditions throughout Austria, which then also hold permanently, ”criticized Johannes Wahlmüller, climate and energy spokesman for Global 2000the extremely unevenly distributed funding opportunities.

For the first time, both one -time subsidies and credit funding were combined and evaluated in their entirety during an analysis. A sample calculation compares the funding opportunities of the countries and calculates how much of credit repayments can be made from the households. A comprehensive renovation and the boiler exchange on a geothermal heat pump at a single -family house with total costs of 110,000 euros are assumed. It is also assumed that 10,000 euros are available in own funds, the rest must be financed through a bank loan and grants. 500 euros are available for repayment per month.

Tirol Top, Upper Austria Flop
Under these assumptions, households in Tyrol have the best conditions. If you combine state funding and bank loan and add the own funds of 10,000 euros to the total costs, households in Tyrol will in total in total to around 86,000 euros in total costs.

In Styria, around 113,000 euros, around 120,000 euros in Carinthia, 123,000 euros in Vienna, 124,000 euros in Vorarlberg, 125,000 euros in Burgenland, 136,000 euros in Lower Austria, 138,000 euros in Salzburg and 161,000 euros in Upper Austria.

Without any state funding, total costs of 195,000 euros incur. This means that in our arithmetic example, households in Upper Austria pay about twice as much for the renovation and heating boiler change in Upper Austria as those in Tyrol with the highest support.

Highest once grant in Tyrol (39,300 euros), the lowest in Lower Austria with 0 euros
Funding was also analyzed above one -time subsidies. In the case that households do not want to use loans and only fall back on the range of one -off grants, there is the largest one -off subsidy for the example project in Tyrol (39,300 euros), followed by Styria (28,500 euros), Carinthia (25,200 euros), Vienna (Vienna ( 24,000 euros), Vorarlberg (19,000 euros), Salzburg (18,000 euros), Upper Austria (9,575 euros), Burgenland (3,500 euros) and Lower Austria (0 euros).

“Top grants are very popular with households that have saved something and do not want to take out a little or just a small loan. These households are now in Lower Austria without funding, but in Tyrol there is at least a grant of 39,300 euros. It makes renovation today A huge difference in which state you live.

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