Black: WKÖ once again shows itself to be the spearhead of the old thinking

Black: WKÖ once again shows itself to be the spearhead of the old thinking
Vienna (OTS) –

“Today the WKÖ once again presents itself as the spearhead of the old thinking. It is clear that an industry without negative climate impacts is possible. The industrial sector is already light years further than its chamber. A simple call to the industrial association would have been enough: in contrast to the climate blockers in the WKÖ, they support the Paris Agreement and recognize the goal of climate neutrality. It is more than strange what the WKÖ is spreading here as fake news without any evidence,” says Jakob Schwarz, spokesman for the Green Party for budget and taxes.

“The WKÖ apparently wants to continue clinging to the Putin gas. This strategy, which endangers our location, fell on our heads due to the brutal Russian war of aggression on Ukraine and brought massive inflation to Austria and Europe. We must protect our economy and make it sustainably competitive in the long term. This is only possible with a consistent conversion towards climate neutrality through renewable energies and investments in new production methods with the best and most climate-friendly products. “This keeps value creation in Austria instead of transferring billions to dictators,” says Schwarz.

“The thinness of the facts on which the WKÖ bases its criticism is also evident from the fact that its claim that European emissions trading ‘does nothing’ in terms of reducing emissions is simply wrong. The effectiveness of the European CO2 price is visible to anyone who has even a superficial knowledge of the emissions figures. Emissions in the areas to which emissions trading applies have been reduced by 48 percent since it came into force. Why the environmental spokesman for the federal industry division doesn’t know these numbers is another mystery to me,” Schwarz wonders.


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