BH St. Pölten again sends an eviction notice against Hubmann’s rotating pasture pigs

Political vendetta: a report on low nitrate input and the BOKU study project doesn’t matter, eviction within 2 weeks even though the complaint deadline is 4 weeks

Vienna (OTS)

The 400 pigs on the Hubmann farm have it much better than pigs on neighboring fully slatted floor farms. Nevertheless, the BH St. Pölten wants to evict the Hubmann rotating grazing operation but leave the fully slatted operations unmolested, even though the law clearly stipulates a physically comfortable lying area, which clearly does not exist on fully slatted floors. Yesterday, another eviction notice was added to the 15 penalty notices against the Hubmanns: the business is to be closed by the end of January. This is particularly strange, especially since the deadline to appeal against this decision is 4 weeks. The decision is not even legally binding at the end of January. It is also shocking that the BH is not impressed by a report that confirms that the soil is not contaminated with nitrates and even by the application from BOKU professors for a study on this new form of husbandry. If the company were actually evacuated, the study could not be carried out. Is that the aim of the district administration?

In addition, strange statements in the eviction notice make you sit up and take notice. An official claims to have seen from a distance that there was dust coming from one of the pig pens at Hubmanns, from which it was concluded that the pigs could not have any straw bedding. “This is absolute nonsense“, confirms VGT chairman DDr. Martin Balluch, who has visited this company a dozen times. “The pigs live on a deep straw mat at Hubmanns. In dry weather the straw can also collect dust, but even I can guarantee that the pigs have straw bedding.The eviction notice also states that the Hubmanns do not regularly spread straw. “Already noticed the bra“, asks Balluch, “that there are numerous pig factories in the region with fully slatted floors that never sprinkle straw? The BH should finally take action, especially since the regulation on pig farming has clearly stated since mid-2022 that pigs must have a physically comfortable lying area. Can this be possible on sharp-edged concrete gaps?“ And Balluch continues: “Hubmanns spread straw several times a week, more often when it rains. They do this simply because they ultimately want to produce humus for their fields from the straw mat. These accusations are actually absurd and suggest that the BH is only concerned with preventing this pig farming.

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DDr. Martin Balluch
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