Bergbahn Kitzbühel is pleased to welcome eight new apprentices

Bergbahn Kitzbühel is pleased to welcome eight new apprentices

The management duo at Bergbahn Kitzbühel are proud and happy on the welcome day for the new young employees: eight new apprentices will begin their training to become cable car technicians by autumn. The company then employs a total of 18 apprentices.

Two years ago, the Kitzbühel mountain railway intensified its apprenticeship offensive and the first fruits can already be harvested: As part of the welcome day on August 6th, the chairman of the board, Mag. Anton Bodner, and the board, Mag. Christian Wörister, were able to welcome six apprentices whose training is just beginning . Together with two other young men who will join us in the fall, they will complete their apprenticeship as cable car technicians. With the eight new apprentices, a total of 18 apprentices are now working at Bergbahn Kitzbühel.

“It makes me very proud that young people are completing their training with us. “You can’t overestimate that, because apprentices are our future,” says Mag. Anton Bodner happily. Mag. Christian Wörister also knows how important young talent is for the local economy: “For our region, the development of the mountains with cable cars is of great tourist and regional economic importance. The need for skilled workers in the cable car industry is very high and there are many and varied fields of activity possible, from technology to IT and administrative work to marketing.”

Anyone who completes their apprenticeship at Bergbahn Kitzbühel will be trained to become an all-rounder: “Our apprentices shouldn’t just learn manual skills from us. We also have a responsibility to help and support our young colleagues in their entire development,” says Mag. Anton Bodner, emphasizing the good future opportunities that such training brings: “Anyone who successfully completes their apprenticeship with us is for the industry is highly qualified. If we are also satisfied with him or her, there is virtually a job guarantee. In addition, qualified employees are our managers of the future.”

At the Kitzbühel mountain railway, both an apprenticeship as a cable car technician and an apprenticeship as an agricultural and construction machinery technician are possible; both training courses last 3.5 years. Anyone who opts for the double apprenticeship as a cable car and electrical engineer only increases the training time by a further six months. In addition to the operations and department managers, three apprentice representatives accompany the trainees and provide support in the areas of electrical, mechatronics and theory – should help be needed in German, mathematics, English, etc.

“I am very happy that eight apprentices have decided to start with us this year,” says Mag. Anton Bodner happily. “Something like that also speaks for the importance of our company in the region.”

The Bergbahn Kitzbühel apprenticeship offensive leads to regular visits to schools in the region, where the company and the many professional opportunities are presented. In the near future, we will also have a regular presence at career fairs and launch a tailor-made campaign on social media. Short clips, especially on TikTok and Instagram, are intended to draw attention to the diverse possibilities of the mountain railway.

It is equally gratifying that six interns are working at Bergbahn Kitzbühel this summer – from the areas of IT, technology and marketing to accounting. “The young people are a great asset. This is practiced throughout our entire company,” says Mag. Christian Wörister proudly.

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