BELVEDERE 21: “About the new. Viennese Scenes and Beyond” is entering its third and final round

BELVEDERE 21: “About the new.  Viennese Scenes and Beyond” is entering its third and final round

From October 26, 2023 to January 14, 2024 there will be new actors in the local art scenes to discover

Vienna (OTS) What’s going on in the local art scenes, studios and alternative art spaces? Other artists and project spaces from Vienna and Linz show their work at Belvedere 21 and provide a current insight into the diversity of contemporary art production and presentation.

Since April 7, 2023, a five-person team of curators has been implementing a dynamic format in shared curatorial authorship in the main room of Belvedere 21 in collaboration with numerous actors. The show includes three consecutive parts with a total of 44 artistic positions and 24 art rooms that curate changing exhibitions within the exhibition. This dynamization multiplies the perspectives on what art can be today, on its themes, aesthetics, forms of expression and on the conditions under which it is created and perceived. About the new. Viennese scenes and beyond asks, among other things, the effects of the past pandemic and the ongoing political, ecological, social crises and upheavals on artistic activity. Artists and project spaces from Vienna, Linz and Salzburg expand the spectrum of contemporary approaches, strategies and discourses spatially.

From April 7th to July 2nd, 2023 Part 1 of the show to be seen from July 14th to October 15th, 2023 Part 2 the flexible exhibition architecture by AKT in the main room of Belvedere 21. About the new. Viennese scenes and beyond is now entering the third and final round with works by Julia Belova, Ting-Jung Chen, mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni, Charlotte Gash, Natalia Gurova, Marc Henry, Magdalena Kreinecker, Simon Lehner, Juliana Lindenhofer, Viktoria Schmid, Siggi Sekira, Laurence Sturla , Huda Takriti, Marianne Vlaschits. Exhibitions in the exhibition are curated by EFES 42, ENTRE, Improper Walls, Size Matters (October 26th – December 3rd, 2023) and bb15, hoast, KLUCKYLAND, toZOMIA (December 2nd, 2023 – January 14th, 2024).

Further information about the exhibition and new press photos for part 3 can be found HERE

OPENING About the New – Part 3

“About the New. Viennese Scenes and Beyond” is entering its third round with works by 14 artists and exhibitions from eight project rooms.

7:10 p.m. Opening speeches
7.30 p.m. Lecture performance by Katrin Euller and Gianna Virginia Prein, curated by Size Matters
7.50 p.m. Gash’s Revenge Plays, performance by Charlotte Gash with Charlotta Öberg and Susi Schmid
8:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. Film screening in the Blickle Cinema, curated by Size Matters
List of artists (in the loop): Adnan Balcinovic + Matthias Kassmannhuber, Adina Camhy + Benedikt Alphart, Susanna Flock, Anja Nowak, Simona Obholzer, Sara Piñeros, Miae Son, Patrick Weber, Stefanie Weberhofer

DJ set by MTASA from 9 p.m
MTASA, is a black queer DJ, born and raised in Vienna, with Zimbabwean and Croatian roots. Since 2016, Mtasa has played an important role in the Viennese DJ scene; she is known for her versatile sound that fluently integrates a wide variety of genres. SOUND CLOUD:

Datum: October 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 11:55 p.m

Ort: Belvedere 21
Arsenalstrasse 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria


OPEN HOUSE x About the new

Curators and art educators discuss new perspectives in Austrian art in impulse tours. Short films by participating artists are shown in the Blickle Cinema.

Datum: November 18, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

Ort: Belvedere 21
Arsenalstrasse 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria



The Linz Spaces bb15, Edition:, EFES 42 and Memphis provide insights into their spaces, where participants get to know the lively Linz art scene and gain deeper insights into various exhibition practices.

Datum: November 24th, 2023, 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m

Ort: Linz, Austria


MIDISSAGE: bb15, cough, Kluckyland, toZOMIA

With the opening of the new exhibitions by bb15, Hoast, Kluckyland, toZOMIA, the art spaces in the exhibition are changing – goodbye and thank you, EFES 42, ENTRE, Improper Walls, Size Matters!

Datum: December 7th, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m

Ort: Belvedere 21
Arsenalstrasse 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria


WINTERFEST x About the new

“About the New” celebrates its brilliant conclusion at the Winter Festival. On the last weekend of the exhibition, all stops will be pulled out again to pay tribute to this diverse show, including an open mic. The catalog will also be presented as part of the winter festival.

Datum: January 13, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

Ort: Belvedere 21
Arsenalstrasse 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

Irene Jaeger
Belvedere Public Relations
+43 664 800 141 185

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