Beate Meinl-Reisinger in video message: “Positive change only with NEOS in government” | NEOS
Vienna (OTS) –

NEOS are starting the election campaign finale with a new, urgent video message from party leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger. In a nearly eight-minute video, the pink top candidate sets out the line for the last few days leading up to the election: “The National Council election on September 29th is about a directional decision: Either there is cooperation between the FPÖ and ÖVP again – or a reform coalition with us NEOS . Either we go back or we go forward. Will we shape the future or manage the past in the next few years? You decide who gets the pen in hand to write the future of Austria.”

As in the last few weeks, Meinl-Reisinger presents herself in her video message as the decisive force for reform in the next government. The fact that this must also make a clear commitment to Europe is also underlined by the EU flag, which can be seen in the background alongside the Austrian flag. Although the FPÖ clearly stands for regression and “wants to destroy our common Europe,” Meinl-Reisinger sees the ÖVP as a “willing partner” for whom a black-blue “retro coalition” like in Salzburg, Lower Austria and Upper Austria is probably the most comfortable solution is. “Do you really want an FPÖ Vice Chancellor, an FPÖ Interior Minister, an FPÖ Foreign Minister or an FPÖ Education Minister? I do not want that. Because the FPÖ in government is bad for our country, bad for our democracy, bad for our climate. Above all, it harms the business location,” warns Meinl-Reisinger in the video.

“NEOS are ready to write a new chapter for Austria.”

But the pink top candidate is convinced that there should be no “business as usual” in another two-party coalition: “Our country needs tough reforms, many of you see it the same way. I want to give people back trust, confidence and the belief that they can create something for themselves. I want our kindergartens and schools to once again become places where children enjoy going and where educators enjoy working. I want to finally provide people with noticeable relief by lowering taxes. We NEOS bring optimism and confidence. We are ready. We have the plans, the energy and the power to reform. It is best for us to walk the path to a better future together.”

After a countdown, the video message was published today, exactly one week before the National Council elections, at 10:00 a.m. on all NEOS social media channels and can be accessed in full here:


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