Aviso: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:30 a.m., Ballhausplatz: “Families belong together!”

Aviso: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:30 a.m., Ballhausplatz: “Families belong together!”

There are massive tightening in the family reunification of beneficiaries. The coalition government has announced a legislative initiative, which is estimated by Expert: on the inside as expected to be constitutional and EU. There is an argument with an alleged overall state emergency. These tightening are not only disproportionate and unsuitable, but rather hostile to people and family.

As non -state organizations, church organizations and representatives from the field of education, we do not want to remain silent about this impending development. We, the asylum coordination Austria and other organizations, want to express our lack of understanding and criticism of the intended stop of the family reunification.

We do not close our eyes to problems. However, these are in the management of a challenge in certain parts of the educational system and are not to blame the regularly immigrant families.

So we urge the federal government to find long-term durable and constructive solutions in educational and integration policy instead of providing families between the return of the right of protection or the separation forever.

In order to symbolize the lack of family members and to underline the urgency of our appeal, we set up empty prams and school bags on Ballhausplatz.

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:00 a.m., speeches at 9:30 a.m.

Location: Ballhausplatz, 1010 Vienna

With speeches by:

  • Monika Salzer, Grandmas against right
  • Dilovan Shekho, Federal Chairman Red Falken, formerly affected person
  • Lara Abdelrahman, radiologist, affected
  • Representative: in schools (requested)
  • Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz, Asylum Coordination Austria

This protest is borne by: Amnesty International, Asylum Coordination Austria, Aspis, Eye/ UG, Caritas Austria, Deserteur and Refugee Advice, Diakonie Austria, Doro Blancke Refugee Assistance, Escape, Hemayat, Hiketides, Integration House, Catholic Action, Children’s Freunde Austria, Grandma, Pfarr Caritas, Parish Carita, Parish network asylum, SOS Balkan route, SOS MIShensch, Tralalobe, Association Ute Bock, Social Werk Don Bosco, Volkshilfe Refugee and Migrant Care, Volkshilfe Austria, Wilpf, #aufstehn

Protest campaign: “Families belong together!”

Protest campaign of the NGO platform asylum coordination Austria against the planned stop of family reunions on the occasion of the Council of Ministers on March 26, 2025

Datum: 03/26/2025, 9:00 a.m.

Ort: before the Federal Chancellery


1010 Wien


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