AVISO: Tomorrow’s Council of Ministers of the Federal Government at 8:00 a.m. in Parliament

AVISO: Tomorrow’s Council of Ministers of the Federal Government at 8:00 a.m. in Parliament

Vienna (OTS) Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31, 2024, the Council of Ministers will meet in the House at 8:00 a.m. As usual, there will be a press foyer afterwards.

Deadline for media:

about 8:30 a.m
PRESSEFOYER after the Council of Ministers

Location: Democrats, Parliament, Dr. Karl-Renner-Ring 3, 1010 Vienna (admission via the main entrance to the parliament from 8 a.m.)

As usual, the Federal Chancellery will provide photos via its photo service offer as well as via live stream at transmitted.


Parliament’s access rules apply. Media professionals without a permanent access card for the Austrian Parliament need a press pass or letter of credit from a media company as well as a QR code for a day ticket. Information about online registration can be found on Parliament web portal. The QR code must be shown during the security check. In order to be able to use all areas made available to media professionals, please purchase a press badge in the Democratium (Agora). You will receive this upon presentation of a press card or a letter of credit from a media company.

Questions & Contact:

Federal Press Service
+43 1 53115-202713

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