AVISO: June 11th press conference of the Allianz “Fairness in construction in hot weather!”

Alliance of construction social partners and ASFINAG takes responsibility and shows ways to optimally protect health in construction

Vienna (OTS) An alliance of construction social partners (BAU-HOLZ union, construction industry association, Federal Construction Guild) and ASFINAG assumes responsibility for the health and protection of workers on construction sites. Climate change brings with it heat stress, which poses increasingly serious risks to employees. That’s why the construction social partners are starting their own awareness campaign. The aim is to raise awareness among employees of the protective measures and to raise awareness of regulations that make working safer despite extreme heat. The campaign is also addressed to residents and drivers. As one of the largest construction clients, ASFINAG has been on board from the start. ++++

Datum: Tuesday, June 11, 10:00 a.m

Ort: ASFINAG Austro Tower (Schnirchgasse 17, 1030 Vienna)

Live-Stream the press conference: https://www.asfinag.at/PK-Fairness-Hitze-am-Bau

Your conversation partners:

Abg. e.g. NR Josef Muchitsch (BAU-HOLZ union)

Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (ASFINAG)

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Krammer (Construction Industry Association)

Dipl.-Ing. Raimund Kleinhagauer (General Accident Insurance Institute)

For organizational reasons, we ask you to register under presse@gbh.at

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Petra Mödlhammer-Prantner (ASFINAG), 0664 60108-10835, Petra.Moedlhammer@asfinag.at

Mag. Paul Grohmann MA (Federal Guild for Construction), 05 90 900-5224, grohmann@bau.or.at

Thomas Trabi MA (BAU-HOLZ union), 0664 614 55 17, thomas.trabi@gbh.at

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