AVISO: harvest.thanks.festival. at Vienna’s Heldenplatz

AVISO: harvest.thanks.festival.  at Vienna’s Heldenplatz

The Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe, together with the Rural Youth Austria, organizes the largest festival of local agriculture in the heart of Vienna. The harvest.thanks.festival. shows the diversity of Austrian cuisine and culture. It invites you to explore and understand local agriculture and forestry.

Agriculture and forestry in the heart of the capital

“With the harvest.dank.festival. brings agriculture and forestry directly into the heart of the capital. It serves as a business card for local food production. We want to show visitors what is behind a food – from the work to the value creation to the innovative power. Bringing people from town and country together, creating mutual understanding and providing opportunities for questions and discussions is important, especially in polarizing times. We want to celebrate what we have in common, what connects us,” said the President of the Ecosocial Forum, Stephan Pernkopf.

Josef Diver, Vice President of the Ecosocial Forum, sees the festival as a great celebration of bridge-building: “Events like the harvest.dank.festival. are so valuable because they bring people together. Because information is offered without lecturing. Direct contact creates trust and awareness not only for regional food and its added value, but also for environmentally friendly and socially fair production.”

For the Federal Director of Rural Youth Austria, Valentina Gutkas, The 70th anniversary of their organization is a highlight of the event: “The effectiveness of the Rural Youth as the largest youth organization in rural areas has proven itself over decades. For over 70 years, we have always been working with the times, thinking outside the box and actively shaping the bridge between producers and consumers. It is precisely these elements that will leave a lasting impression at Heldenplatz – traditional and modern with the community at the center and agriculture in focus.”

Preliminary program

Saturday, September 7, 2024: Live music, folk dance performances, presentations and interviews, beer tapping, delicacies and farmers’ market, rural youth village, information and hands-on stands as well as entertainment

Sunday, September 8, 2024: Anniversary mass in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Thanksgiving parade with harvest blessing, ceremony for the 70th anniversary of the Austrian rural youth, delicacies and farmers’ market, rural youth village, information and hands-on stands as well as entertainment by our cooperation partners

In advance of the official program, the harvest.dank.festival. area will be opened on Friday, September 6, 2024, Open exclusively to elementary school classes. Children learn about the fascinating world of agriculture and forestry at interactive stations.

70 years of rural youth Austria

The rural youth looks at the harvest.dank.festival. look back on the highlights and successes of the last 70 years and look forward to the future. With over 90,000 members, around 1,200 local and district groups and over 13,000 officials, the Rural Youth is the largest youth organization in rural areas. The festival celebrating the 70th anniversary of Rural Youth Austria brings together young people from the countryside and the city, producers and consumers from all nine federal states. Visitors can experience rural youth work in an urban setting.

You can find all the latest information about the ernte.dank.festival online.

harvest.thanks.festival. 2024

The Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe, together with the Rural Youth Austria, organizes the largest festival of local agriculture in the heart of Vienna. The harvest.thanks.festival. shows the diversity of Austrian cuisine and culture. It invites you to explore and understand local agriculture and forestry. Save the Date!

Datum: 07.09.2024

Ort: Vienna Heldenplatz, Austria


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