AVISO: Funeral ceremonies for former Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein on June 14, 2024

Vienna (OTS) The state funeral with military elements for the late first former Federal Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein will take place next Friday, June 14, 2024 in Vienna. The state funeral is public and begins with the arrival and laying out of the coffin in St. Stephen’s Cathedral from 6:45 a.m. to 10 a.m. Afterwards, the Archbishop of Vienna Christoph Cardinal Schönborn will celebrate the Mozart Requiem with the participation of the Official Austria. Burial will follow in the early afternoon at the Vienna Central Cemetery in a grave of honor.

Due to the limited space available in the cathedral and in the immediate vicinity of the grave, we are forced to set up media pools. These are primarily open to photographers in the cathedral and are also open to camera teams in the central cemetery. Access to these areas is only possible with separate accreditation and pool card.

There is no need for accreditation in all areas open to the public.

In addition, the ORF, as host broadcaster, will provide interested media with audiovisual material free of charge.

Please note the instructions below.

Dates for media:

6:45 a.m
Arrival of the coffin in front of St. Stephen’s Cathedral
The arrival will be led liturgically by the cathedral priest of St. Stephan, Toni Faber.

7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m
Public laying out of the coffin in the Cathedral of St. Stephen
The coffin trellis is staffed equally by representatives of civil society and governmental organizations that have shaped Brigitte Bierlein’s life: the high school in Kundmanngasse, the Juridicum of the University of Vienna, the Constitutional Court, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Theater Holding and the women’s initiative LEA – Let’s Empower Austria as well as the armed forces and the police.

11:00 a.m
Funeral ceremonies in St. Stephen’s Cathedral
– Solemn Requiem
in D minor by WA Mozart (KV 626), conducted by Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
– Speeches by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer and the President of the Constitutional Court Christoph Grabenwarter, musically accompanied by members of the Vienna Philharmonic
– Procession to the giant gate
– Ceremonial farewell to the coffin car

POOL 1: PHOTO and FILM APPOINTMENT from the designated media area (preferred for photographers)

Location: St. Stephan Cathedral, Stephansplatz, 1010 Vienna (entrance to the media area via das Adlertor from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.)

This part of the funeral ceremonies will be broadcast live on ORF 2.

2:45 p.m
Funeral procession and burial in a grave of honor at the Vienna Central Cemetery
The funeral service will be led by the former Chancellor’s spiritual advisor, the priest of Ober St. Veit, Father Stefan Reuffurth.

POOL 2: PHOTO and FILM APPOINTMENT from the designated media area (preferred for photographers and cameramen)

Location: Vienna Central Cemetery, Gate 2, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234 (entrance to the media area – meeting point at Gate 2 from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.)

A limited number of parking spaces are available at Gate 2 for accredited media professionals arriving by car.

As host broadcaster, ORF will provide audiovisual material from the dates free of charge. If you are interested, contact newsco@orf.at.

As usual, the Federal Chancellery will provide photos via its photo service fotoservice.bundeskanzleramt.at offer.


Participation in the planned media events for the funeral ceremonies is preferred at the media positions set up for photographers and cameramen only with an accreditation card issued by the Federal Press Service for this event and an additional pool card possible.

No accreditation is required for reporting from areas open to the general public.

Registrations for accreditation are now online on the Federal Chancellery website www.bundeskanzleramt.gv.at/akkreditierung possible.

Registrations for the pool dates by Thursday, June 13, 2024, 12 p.m., at the latest to federalpressservice@bka.gv.at. Please include your name, medium, mobile phone number and email address as well as which pool date you would like to attend.

Unfortunately, we cannot consider registrations that arrive later. Registration alone does not constitute admission to the respective pool. The Federal Press Service will inform you via email on June 13th, after the registration deadline, whether your wish can be fulfilled.

The accreditation passes and pool cards, which allow access to the media events, are issued in the media accreditation office in the Innere Burghof, 1010 Vienna (next to the Ochsentor).

Please note that when picking up the ID and pool cards, a valid press ID or the original letter of credit from the commissioning media company and an official photo document (identity card, passport, driving license) must be presented.

Issuance times for accreditation cards and pool cards:
Thursday, June 13, 2024: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m
Friday, June 14, 2024: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m

Contact accreditation:

Irene Kaufmann
Phone: +43 1 53115-202561
E-Mail: irene.kaufmann@bka.gv.at

The Federal Press Service reserves the right to confiscate accreditation cards and pool cards if necessary and thereby revoke the accreditation!

When entering the venue, please show the accreditation and pool card for the respective date. We ask that you dress appropriately for the occasion.

Questions & Contact:

Federal Press Service
Tel: +43 1 53 115 – 204282

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