AVISO: City councilor Peter Hacker visits the inclusion project of Post and REiNTEGRA | City of Vienna
Vienna (OTS) –

Post Systemlogistik cooperates in Vienna-Strebersdorf with REiNTEGRA, a non-profit organization for mentally ill people. On average, ten REiNTEGRA participants support the picking and shipping of goods every day. They are looked after by trained rehabilitation trainers who support and strengthen their needs and abilities to follow a regular daily structure in order to pave the way for a possible return to (working) life.

To present this cooperation, we cordially invite you to take a look at Post Systemlogistik in Vienna-Strebersdorf.

The following people are available to you as conversation partners:

  • Peter Hacker
    Vienna City Council for Social Affairs, Health and Sport
  • Walter Oblin
    Deputy General Director, Board of Directors for Letters & Finance, Österreichische Post AG
  • Manfred Skoff
    Managing Director of REiNTEGRA non-profit GmbH
  • Participants of REiNTEGRA

Date: August 29, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m
Location: Post Systemlogistik (Czeija-Nissl-Gasse 8, 1210 Vienna)

For organizational reasons, please register in advance by email at presse@post.at.

City councilor Peter Hacker visits the Post and REiNTEGRA inclusion project

Post Systemlogistik cooperates in Vienna-Strebersdorf with REiNTEGRA, a non-profit organization for mentally ill people. On average, ten REiNTEGRA participants support the picking and shipping of goods every day. They are looked after by trained rehabilitation trainers who support and strengthen their needs and abilities to follow a regular daily structure in order to pave the way for a possible return to (working) life. To present this cooperation, we cordially invite you to take a look at Post Systemlogistik in Vienna-Strebersdorf. The following people are available to you as discussion partners: – Peter Hacker, Vienna City Councilor for Social Affairs, Health and Sport – Walter Oblin, Deputy General Director, Board of Directors for Letters & Finance, Austrian Post AG – Manfred Skoff, Managing Director of REiNTEGRA non-profit GmbH – Participants* inside REiNTEGRA To register, please contact us by email at presse@post.at

Datum: August 29, 2024, 10:00 a.m

Art: Pressetermine

Ort: Post system logistics

Czeija-Nissl-Gasse 8

1210 Wien



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