Austrians love the New Year’s coin “365 + 1 happiness”

Big run for the New Year’s coin 2024: Remaining stocks are still available on the New Year’s Eve trail in Vienna. It is also worth asking at banks, some post offices or coin shops.

Everyday life usually demands a lot from us. Many people think that nothing is being given to me and so it doesn’t surprise me when there is great joy about an extra day in the leap year 2024.

General Director Mag. Gerhard Starsich

Vienna (OTS) DG Mag. Gerhard Starsich on the run for the New Year’s coin 2024: “Everyday life usually demands a lot from us. Many people think that nothing is being given to me and so it doesn’t surprise me when there is great joy about an extra day in the leap year 2024.

The leap year 2024 has one more day, a day with great potential: you can treat yourself to a little more time for yourself. Or dedicate more time to someone than usual.

What have you always wanted to do? And with whom? Or have you decided to tackle something completely new by the end of the year? Use the extra day for this!

With this leap year, the calendar year aligns with the solar year and the cosmic order. We should accept this gift from heaven and take advantage of the chance for an extra portion of happiness.

So that this day is not a day like any other, there is the New Year’s coin 2024: It is intended to remind you to take a day in between all the hustle and bustle of everyday life: a lucky day.

The Münze Österreich AG sales stand on Vienna’s New Year’s Eve Trail (Graben 21) also offers lucky charms with lasting value.

Our opening times:

Until Saturday December 30th. from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m

Sunday December 31st: 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m

Questions & Contact:

Mint Austria AG
Andrea Lang
Company spokesperson

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