Austria needs stable, consensual government

Austria needs stable, consensual government
Salzburg/Vienna (ots) –

The Archbishop Franz Lackner calls for the formation of a “stable government, which, on consensus -considering government, which, if possible in internal stability, depicts the political opinions as broadly as possible. “Essential criteria” such as the respect of human dignity and human rights, social solidarity, the freedom of the media, judiciary and also religion “should be a matter of course and do not have to be warned,” emphasized the chairman of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference in a statement published on Saturday current political situation. At the same time, he underlined the importance of religions for social interaction.

Some of the famous demands from the last coalition negotiations would have rightly caused concern both within and outside of the church, Lackner continued: “Especially in a secular society, the religious communities play a crucial role in social interaction – they want to circumcise them endangers all recognized Confessions of this country, and thus a decisive sector of humanity and solidarity in our society. “

Austria faces “immense challenges,” added the Archbishop of Salzburg: “The future government may be able to master them while maintaining all the principles and principles that we consider central to our cooperation.”

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