AUGE/UG Karin Stanger: 6 femicides since Friday!  Femicides are a societal and structural problem that affects everyone!  |  EYE/UG

Appeal to Women’s Minister Raab: Concern is not enough. You have to do more! The measures taken so far are clearly inadequate.

Vienna (OTS) We are deeply shocked by the recent murders of women and girls. First of all, we would like to express our deepest condolences to the relatives!

Women’s Minister Raab’s statement that not all femicides could be prevented hit me right in the heart. This is a completely inappropriate statement given the six femicides in just a few days. Because we know that many femicides could have been prevented!“, said Karin Stanger, AUGE/UG Bundesprecherin.
We can no longer close our eyes to the reality: femicide in Austria is an alarming problem that needs to be urgently addressed. “Recent cases of violence against women and girls are a shock and a sign that our society has failed to adequately protect and support women and girls. Women’s Minister Raab must also understand that,” said Karin Stanger, AUGE/UG Federal Spokesperson – Alternative, Green and Independent Trade Unionists.

The term femicide refers to the deliberate killing of women and girls because of their gender. Femicide is the most extreme manifestation of violence against women and affects all countries and regions. In 2023, there were 26 femicides across Austria and an additional 51 attempted murders or cases of serious violence against women. Austria is the only country in the EU where more women than men are killed at the hands of men. Violence affects every third woman in Austria.

“Violence against women is a societal and structural problem and this is what we have to do: fight patriarchy as a whole!“, says Karin Stanger. Lip service, inadequate measures, vague promises are not enough.

1. Structural changes: It is time we question deeply rooted patriarchal structures and gender stereotypes. As long as women are viewed as inferior and violence against them is trivialized, little will change. We must critically address the social norms and cultural beliefs that legitimize, downplay or even promote violence against women. “Misogyny and sexist thought patterns must be actively combated. Measures that promote the independence and empowerment of women are also measures against violence against women.“This also includes Austria finally ratifying Convention 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment of the International Labor Organization (ILO). As my colleague Marion Polaschek (UG) already stated in her press release.

2. Failure of the authorities: Too often, warning signs are ignored and victims are not helped in a timely manner. Law enforcement agencies need to be better trained and sensitized to ensure the needs and safety of women in emergencies.

3. Lack of resources: Support facilities for women who have become victims of violence must be expanded. Access to women’s shelters and advice centers must be low-threshold. We know from studies that women are often not aware of the offers. Here it is important to rely on broad information campaigns.

4. Political responsibility:
The government must take its responsibility seriously and take further measures to combat femicide. Fine words and concern are not enough – concrete political measures and more investments in victim protection and prevention are needed. This must include federal, state and local governments. This also includes the expansion of prevention projects such as “StoP districts without partner violence” in all communities and cities.

We cannot continue to stand by and watch women’s lives being put at risk. That’s why we appeal to Women’s Minister Raab: Concern is not enough. You have to do more! The measures taken so far are clearly inadequate.“, says Karin Stanger in conclusion.


Questions & Contact:

Karin Stanger
🌶️AUGE/UG Federal Spokesperson – Alternative, Green and Independent Trade Unionists

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