Asterix in Lusitania – the indomitable Gauls in the brand new album on a big trip!

Asterix in Lusitania – the indomitable Gauls in the brand new album on a big trip!

Berlin (OTS) –

With the Teutates! Unfortunately, a mistake happened to us. In the appendix you will find the current digital press kit for the new Asterix adventure “Asterix in Lusitania”.

We apologize.

With the Teutates! Now it’s out: The 41st Asterix adventure is called “Asterix in Lusitania”. Story House Egmont will present the new album in German languages ​​from October 23, 2025. Then the Gauls pack their seven things and travel to the outermost southwest of the Roman Empire. In a country that is known for its impressive historical buildings, its culinary specialties and above all for its hospitality!

Asterix and Obelix regularly grabs the desire to travel. After exciting adventures in Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and many other countries, today’s Portugal is its goal. A small anniversary: ​​”Asterix in Lusitania” is the 25th travel adventure of the Gauls! Fans can look forward to new rivals, big challenges and lots of fun.

For the second time after the band “The White Iris” celebrated by criticism and readership, Fabcaro (Fabrice Caro) delivers the scenario, Didier Conrad takes over the drawings as usual. Together they enter the footsteps of the brilliant creators René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. Since 1959, 400 million Asterix albums have been sold in 120 languages ​​and dialects worldwide, about a third of them in the German-speaking countries.

On October 23, 2025, the album “Asterix in Lusitania” is in retail and online in Available (ISBN: 978-3-7704-2441-2, HC: EUR 13.50 EUA 13.90 SFR 18.90, SC: EUR: 7.99 EUA 8.50 SFR 15.00)

In order to sweeten the waiting time until autumn, Idefix fans can look forward to the third collective album in a new splendor and with revised cover of the popular series “Idefix and the Standing – Lutetia, you are so wonderful”. (D: EUR 7.99; A: EUR 8.50; SFR 14.20 – also online at Available) This is how Idefix’s 60th birthday is celebrated.

For interviews, detailed information and images, contact the press contact and already reserve your review copies today.

Anja Adam
Press and public relations work
i.A. Egmont Ehapa Media GmbH
Egmont publishing company mbH
Mobil: +49 (0)16097416569

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