ARTE Concert receives an award from the specialist magazine tanz

ARTE Concert receives an award from the specialist magazine tanz

Strasbourg (OTS) –

ARTE Concert is ranked in this year’s survey of international critics by the trade magazine dance awarded in the “Online” category. ARTE Concert “a stroke of luck for the dance”, these are the appreciative words of the renowned specialist magazine for ballet, dance and performance.

In recognition of the international critics’ survey, which was published today in the magazine’s “Yearbook 2024”. dance appears, it is praised: “ARTE Concert invites you to dance around the clock and has no blinders on. (…) The camera is not just held on it, not only are images strung together, but the cameramen think about the movements, the moods, the content. You find unusual perspectives, take on surprising perspectives (…).” – Claudia Henne, culture and dance journalist in the magazine’s “Yearbook 2024”. dance.

Anne-Elisabeth Lesseur, director of ARTE Concert, thanks you for the award: “It is our aim to show the best of high-quality stage art from all over Europe on ARTE Concert. The approximately 9.3 million video views per month and that ARTE Concert YouTube Channel* as well as the appreciative words of the trade press encourage us in our efforts to promote artistic excellence and diversity and to provide a digital stage. We are very pleased about the tanz award and would like to thank you very much.”

ARTE Concert is dedicated to stage art in all its facets and diverse formats. In addition to dance, ballet and performance, the extensive program portfolio includes productions from classical, baroque and opera as well as rock & pop, electro, hip-hop, jazz and metal. Across all genres, more than 900 performances and concerts are available to users every year, live or as VoD. The majority of these are European co-productions and are available in the six ARTE languages.

A highlight for European dance on ARTE Concert is currently with “Afanador – National Ballet of Spain” under the artistic direction of Marcos Morau from the Teatro Real de Madrid – a dance homage by the Ballet Nacional de España to the work of the Colombian fashion photographer Ruvén Afanador. In September 2024, Christian Spuck’s “Bovary” with the Staatsballett Berlin can be seen on ARTE and (Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 11:10 p.m. in the first TV broadcast and available online from September 8 to October 7, 2024).

There is even more dance in the collection on ARTE Concert “We ask you to dance”.

*On average 2.3 million per month on ARTE.TV and 7 million per month on YouTube in 2023, source: Médiametrie/YouTube


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