Environmental funding has the clear goal of making a significant contribution to achieving national climate goals. In this sense, it offers implementation incentives for the switch to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, the renovation offensive, the circular economy and, since 2023, also for the transformation of industry.
“Investing in climate protection is always a win-win-win situation. They create jobs, ensure regional added value and ensure that we have a future worth living for all of us. Domestic environmental support is the federal government’s central funding instrument. I am very pleased that this year we are supporting a total of more than 82,400 projects with a record sum of 1,780 million euros. An important focus is to support industry in becoming climate-fit, which should also strengthen Austria as an industrial and business location. Another focus is our major renovation offensive, which supports all those who replace their heating or insulate their houses and thus help achieve the climate change,” says Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler.
Funding was decided for 761 projects and 466 million euros in investments in climate protection
At today’s environmental funding commission meeting, 761 projects with an environmentally relevant investment volume of 466 million euros and a funding present value of around 142.6 million euros were approved. These projects can save around 241,000 tonnes of CO2 and around 183.3 GWh of energy per year.
Transformation grant for industry decided
As part of promoting the transformation of industry, the Ministry of Climate Protection supports the greatest possible reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the direct combustion of fossil fuels or directly from industrial production processes through environmental support domestically. The aim is to decarbonize industry and strengthen Austria as an industrial and economic location. A total of 2.975 billion euros are available for this purpose under the Environmental Promotion Act by 2030.
Transformation grant from 2025
Today’s decision means that running costs can now be funded in addition to investment costs. As part of the “Industry Transformation” program, this is possible through the transformation grant. The transformation grant can be used to support the initial additional costs of climate-neutral production compared to fossil-based production with a simultaneous investment in climate-friendly technology over a period of up to 10 years.
In 2025, a total of 300 million euros will be available for this tender. The funding can be up to a maximum aid amount of 600 euros per reduced ton of CO2, but a maximum of 200 million euros per measure submitted. The tender criteria will be published in December 2024. The call for proposals starts on February 24th, 2025 and the submission of funding applications is possible until May 28th, 2025.
Over 82,400 funded projects in climate protection in 2024
In total, in 2024, the Environmental Funding Commission recommended funding totaling over 1,780 million euros in federal funds for more than 82,400 domestic projects. Of this, over 153.9 million euros go to domestic environmental funding with 3,550 funded projects. Furthermore, 76,237 projects with a funding cash value of around 1,406 million euros were funded as part of the renovation offensive. The circular economy also played an important role with 41.7 million euros and 786 projects. The energy efficiency program supported 1,857 projects with a funding cash value of 102.9 million. As part of the funding focus on transforming industry, five large climate protection projects were proposed and funding totaling 61.4 million euros was now approved at the commission meeting. Part of the funding comes from the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (ARF).
Since 1993, company environmental support has created important incentives for investments in environmental and climate protection in Austria. Through ongoing adjustments to technological developments, companies are offered an attractive and modern funding instrument. Ultimately, it is the balanced mix of efficient funding instruments and a clearly formulated mission that create ideal conditions for achieving the set climate goals.