Anti-Semitism conference is dedicated to the effects of developments in the Middle East on our society

Anti-Semitism conference is dedicated to the effects of developments in the Middle East on our society

The third part of today’s networking conference on the topic of anti-Semitism in Parliament focused on developments in the Middle East and their influence on our society. Hillel Neuer, Director General of the non-governmental organization UN Watch, emphasized the responsibility of the United Nations. These must provide “moral clarity and leadership” in the face of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and the resulting wave of anti-Semitism. He sharply criticized the activities of the UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East), which sometimes promoted anti-Israeli sentiment and even terrorism.

In his statement, the Arab-Israeli journalist Yoseph Haddad emphasized the connection between hostility towards Israel and the rejection of Western values. Christoph Piorkowski, also a journalist, discussed the “cognitive dissonance” through which the terrorist attack on Israel could have led to a wave of anti-Semitism. In the subsequent discussion round, all parliamentary representatives condemned the attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 and also viewed them as an attack on the West and its values.

Hillel Neuer on the responsibility of the global community

Jews worldwide are currently in their “darkest hour since the Holocaust,” stated Hillel Neuer. Since Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, they and their facilities in Europe, for example, have been exposed to constant attacks and can hardly live out their identity freely. Public opinion also mostly “points the finger at Israel,” even though Hamas’s “barbaric acts” were committed against Israelis. Neuer spoke of false accusations that fueled global anti-Semitism – for example, that Israel was bombing hospitals.

The United Nations also played an inglorious role in this. Its general assembly did not once condemn Hamas for the terrorist attack and states such as Iran, Syria and North Korea hardly have to expect any criticism. Israel, on the other hand, has already been condemned 15 times in resolutions and acts as a “scapegoat even for dictatorships,” said Neuer. He rated the activities of UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East) as particularly problematic. Among other things, this is responsible for the education of around 90% of the residents of the Gaza Strip and receives hundreds of millions in funding from the international community. However, instead of ensuring that human rights are communicated, UNWRA employees regularly called for the murder of Jews, demonized Israel and incited anti-Semitism, Neuer reported. Some of them even held high-ranking positions within Hamas.

Neuer appealed to the conference participants to work to stop funding for UNWRA and to look for a replacement for the organization. In general, he called on the United Nations to live up to its founding promise. Especially in the current situation, she must “offer moral clarity and leadership.” This means, for example, condemning Hamas for its crimes, such as the use of human shields, said Neuer.

Yoseph Haddad advocates the defense of Judeo-Christian values

Yoseph Haddad talked about his childhood in Israel and his friendships with people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. He vehemently defended himself against the accusation that Israel is an “apartheid state.” Arab Israelis like him would take leading roles in all areas of society – for example in the Knesset or the army.

As a “proud citizen of Israel,” Haddad also volunteered to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, during which he was seriously wounded by a Hezbollah rocket. The terrorists’ rockets did not differentiate between Arabs and Jews, Haddad pointed out. The current war is not a conflict between the two groups, but rather a manifestation of Hamas’s “genocidal ideology” of denying Israel’s right to exist. Ultimately, the goal of Hamas and other terrorist organizations is not only the destruction of Israel, but also of Western, Judeo-Christian values, explained Haddad.

Christoph Piorkowski: Anti-Semitic wave is based on “cognitive dissonance”

Not even 24 hours after Hamas’ attack on Israel and before the Israeli military had taken any relevant action, the “self-righteous of all nations” had already “fantasized” a genocide against the Palestinians, explained Christoph Piorkowski. In this context, he spoke of a “cognitive dissonance,” particularly in certain milieus in Europe, which were subject to “anti-Semitic deception.” Of course, the suffering of children in the Gaza Strip is to be regretted, but anti-Semites from all directions are not at all interested in these children. According to Piorkowski, hatred of Jews is disguised as self-defense.

October 7, 2023 confirmed that even the most brutal form of anti-Semitism breeds further anti-Semitism instead of a clear stance against it. Previously hidden resentments would now become apparent and manifest themselves, among other things, in the desecration of memorials or the demonization of Jews on social media. Anti-imperialist leftists, Islamists and fascists demonstrated together against Israel, Piorkowski illustrated the “cross-front phenomenon” of anti-Semitism. To ensure that Jewish life does not end up in further distress, it is important to resolutely counter such narratives.

Two-state solution and freedom of expression

During the subsequent discussion, István Hiller, a member of the Hungarian Parliament, recounted an experience he had during a visit to Israel at the beginning of February. He was there with a parliamentary delegation at Israel’s invitation to meet family members of the kidnapped hostages. They also visited places where the tragedy of October 7, 2023 took place. He talked about looted houses, blood and bullet holes. And about a conversation with a man who was born in Transylvania, Romania, and who moved to the town just 300 meters from the border 15 years ago. The man said that it was a conscious decision to move so close to the Palestinians. He and his family wanted to show themselves and the world that it was possible to live together in peace. The man said: “I’m staying here. We’re not giving up, we want to live here in peace.” Hiller left his story uncommented.

Peter De Rover, President of the Parliament of Belgium, emphasized that it was a sad fact that such a conference had to take place at all for current reasons. It was actually supposed to be a historical conference to study the past. He called for the fight against anti-Semitism to be a prominent point on the political agenda, as well as the commitment to the hostages of October 7, 2023 and the victims on both sides. There is a need for urgent peace for all, an end to violence in the Middle East, Israel and Palestine. De Rover insisted on the two-state solution with the non-negotiable right to exist for Israel. At the same time, he emphasized the need for freedom to criticize governments. Restricting freedom of expression is not a way to deal with anti-Semitism.

Angelos Syrigos, a member of the Greek Parliament, emphasized that condemning the war in the Gaza Strip is not anti-Semitism, but demonizing Israel and using slogans such as “From the river to the sea” as calls for genocide is. Syrigos also said it condemned the October 7 attack and the hostage-taking. The condemnation of anti-Semitism is not superficial. He said: “We stand together against anti-Semitism, whether from the right or the left, it is a threat to the foundations of the EU.”

Help instead of terrorist financing

Ariel Kallner, member of the Israeli Knesset, emphasized that radical Islamism threatens the free world. Radical Islamism wants to build a single nation, the Nation of Islam. Kaller has no doubt that the Middle East has an influence on the Western world. He called Iran’s regime the “Head of the Serpent.” Kallner said that the West no longer has any influence on numerous organizations that were actually founded to help and now support terrorism, such as UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East). Addressing the conference participants, he added that we would win together with people like them, people who stand up for Jews.

In his statement, Harris Georgiades, a member of the Cypriot Parliament, identified the attack against Israel on October 7, 2023 as an attack on the world order, an attack on the West and its values, such as free democracy. For years, the enemies were led to believe that they were not capable of standing up for their own values. Now the West must wake up because the freedom of democracy must be protected. Georgiades emphasized that he fully supports Israel’s right to self-defense. At the same time, the military solution is not everything; peaceful means are also required. He named political solutions as the only way to create suitable conditions for Israel and to protect Jews around the world.

EU-wide solidarity required

Marjana Petir, Member of Parliament of Croatia, also stressed that Israel has a right to self-defense. She also demanded that Europe condemn Hamas and others as terrorist organizations in clear terms. It is also important for Europe to assert its economic influence. Petir made it clear that one cannot continue relationships with organizations that finance terrorism.

The Austrian National Council member Martin Engelberg emphasized Austria’s clear positioning. The government program already states that it does not support any one-sided resolutions against Israel. Apart from the Czech Republic, there are not many partners in the EU who would take an equally clear position here. Engelberg emphasized that it would make no sense at all to recognize a state of Palestine. How should one explain this if one recognizes a state of Palestine but not a state of Kosovo, he asked the question. He added another: Why not put the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on the list of terrorist organizations when we know they finance terrorism. Engelberg used the opportunity to mobilize against a UN resolution that is due to be voted on next week. The resolution in question, initiated by the Palestinian Authority, would deny Israel any legitimacy and use all forms of anti-Semitism. Engelberg would like to see alliances formed in the EU and a stand against it; that would be necessary in the fight against anti-Semitism and in the fight for peace. (End of anti-Semitism conference) wit/map

NOTES: Photos from the Anti-Semitism Conference can be found in Parliament web portal. You can find a recording after the conference in the Parliament’s media library.

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