Another example against the early sexualization of children

Another example against the early sexualization of children

Successful MFG panel discussion on the controversial topic of “early sexualization”:

The aim of this ideology is to weaken the family as a bulwark against all negative currents

Leni Kesselstatt, Family Alliance Association

Upper Austria (OTS) MFG remains committed to the fight against content in sex education that endangers children’s well-being: As part of a top-class panel discussion on November 29th, 2023 in the Zirbenschlössl in Sipbachzell, both dangers posed by the practices used in sex education today and age-appropriate alternatives were discussed. “The last word has certainly not been spoken here yet,” says LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc., MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-Deputy, who presented an initiative motion that was debated with experts at the committee meeting, as well as a current lesson on this explosive topic also in Upper Austria. State parliament occupied.

The MFG panel discussion “Immediately stopping child-welfare content in sex education” was met with great interest, which underlines the explosiveness and urgency of this topic. Absolute experts were there: the renowned doctor and psychologist Univ.Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert showed, for example, that we are increasingly moving away from a healthy society that recognizes the importance of classic relationships and family connections, which leads to self-alienation and that we allow ourselves to be influenced too much by the media. “The sad conclusion is that at some point we will no longer be able to raise our children ourselves, a development that is both sad and dangerous,” he said MFG family spokeswoman Dagmar Häusler. The fundamental danger lies in a further division in society: Instead of leaving the topic of sexual education primarily with the parents, children are bombarded and overwhelmed by the topic of sex from the institutional side – “a complete wrong path,” says Dagmar Häusler.

Totally wrong curriculum focus

Also included: Margaret Tews, who can look back on 25 years of experience as a life and social counselor and spoke of the fact that it is much more important to meet and support families with their actual worries and fears – for example in the event of financial bottlenecks, a lack of connection to their parents or Separation situations. It is also the wrong approach to take the focus away from elementary topics such as reading, writing and arithmetic in the curriculum, where there are already enormous weaknesses: “The planned early sexualization that is already being implemented is a catastrophe for the children,” says Margreth Tews to the point.

The aim of this ideology is to weaken the family as a bulwark against all negative currentsLeni Kesselstatt, Family Alliance Association

Similar things were reported Leni Kesselstatt, Founder of the Family Alliance Association (, which is networked throughout Europe and has been active since 2013. For just as long, Kesselstatt has been observing the early sexualization initiatives, against which initial resistance arose in Italy and France ten years ago. Kesselstatt’s association maintains good contacts, especially in Germany, where this so-called “emancipatory sexual education” has its origins. “The aim of this ideology is to weaken the family as a bulwark against all negative currents,” said Kesselstatt.

“In its early days, the school of thought of this early sexualization even went so far as to want to make pedophilia unpunished. This initiative was even politically supported in Germany for many years,” says Dagmar Häusler. The Family Alliance association successfully opposes the purely ideological teaching methods and content in sex education and their dangers. Modern sex education no longer has anything to do with family, cohesion, trust and traditional education, but rather focuses primarily on gender identity.

MFG with resistance to early sexualization

“Early sexualization in sex education – even in elementary school – must be strictly rejected. The MFG has already addressed the topic with an application from July 2023, a current hour in Upper Austria. The state parliament addressed the topic and submitted a written request to the responsible state councilor Christine Haberlander regarding the involvement of providers outside the school for sex education in children’s educational institutions in Upper Austria – much to the dismay of all other parliamentary groups who “dismissed” the issue and did not recognize or did not want to recognize the seriousness of the situation “, says Dagmar Häusler. “Bringing children into contact with things like masturbation, licking, blowing and vibrators beyond their limits of shame has nothing to do with responsible and child-friendly education. On the contrary: This is exactly the absurd, left-woke, gender-ideologized agenda that we reject.”

WHO as the mastermind

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman adds: “This entire issue – just like this gender madness – is not supported or desired by the people. Once again, this initiative comes from the WHO. The “Guidelines for Sexuality Education in Europe” were published by the European headquarters of the WHO back in 2011. These WHO guidelines talk about “early childhood masturbation” and the “pleasure of touching your own body”, about “friendship and Love for people of the same gender” and the development of an awareness of “gender identity”. “The threatened WHO pandemic treaty and the change in health guidelines also come from this dark corner. The MFG is the only political force that actively and resolutely opposes it,” said Joachim Aigner.

Conclusion of the two-hour discussion evening: There are practicable ways out and solutions from this unfortunate downward spiral in which our supposedly open, colorful society finds itself: Parents can protect their children by clearly saying NO to this development and thereby making their own in the European Union The law announced by the Human Rights Commission: The “religious and ideological convictions” of parents must be respected in lessons, it says. The MFG is committed to strengthening parents, because this is the most effective way to protect our children and families and ultimately the future of our society.


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MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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