Annual review 2023 Vienna Woods – “So (successful) was a vacation in the Vienna Woods”

The region looks back on a successful year for tourism

Purkersdorf (OTS) With around 1.3 million overnight stays recorded in the Vienna Woods region from January to October alone, tourism recorded a whopping increase of over 15% compared to the previous year. This increase is not only due to double-digit increases in arrivals and overnight stays from Austria and Germany, but also to sometimes sharp increases from other countries. Those responsible at Wienerwald Tourismus GmbH with General Assembly Chairman Mayor Stefan Szirucsek, Irene Moser and LAbg Mayor Christoph Kainz as members of the Supervisory Board as well as Managing Director Michael Wollinger are satisfied: “We are on a very good path.”

The travel and ultimately also overnight stay motives are broad – “The high quality of the offering is what unites the region and its businesses, regardless of whether it is about the gastronomy and hotel industry or about art, culture, leisure, sport and entertainment.”, those responsible agree. Finally, the figures for excursion tourism in the Vienna Woods again show a pleasing result.

Wine and cuisine are also the main motifs, as are art and culture events and wine events, such as the Genussmeile, which once again ensured good-humored activity in the region on both weekends in 2023. With the DAC thermal region, the next culinary highlight is now guaranteed from 2024 – so you can be excited. And of course cultural highlights from top-class theater offerings to exhibitions and events, such as the La Gacilly Baden-Photo festival, also contribute to the overall result. “The travel motives are also nature and the beautiful landscape, which invite you to go on long hikes and take part in many sports and leisure activities. Cycling holidays are also on the rise, as the region is best explored via numerous cycle tours. “Not to forget the growing congress and event tourism,” CEO Michael Wollinger emphasizes the increase in overnight stays.

Questions & Contact:

Manuela Eitler
Wienerwald Tourismus GmbH,
Hauptplatz 11, 3002 Purkersdorf , Tel. 0664/834 8904

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