Announcement following a briefing in the state management staff
Tulln (OTS) –

After a situation meeting in the official state command staff in the Tulln security center under the chairmanship of LH deputy Stephan Pernkopf, in which state governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, state fire brigade commander Dietmar Fahrafellner and all emergency organizations and experts in hydrology, hydraulic engineering and infrastructure also took part, it was announced: “The hydrological forecasts are becoming more complex and more precise. Around 50 to 150 millimeters of rainfall has already been recorded since Thursday. Further rainfall totals of up to 230 millimeters are forecast for the next 48 hours. Accordingly, a rapid and significant increase in water flow in all bodies of water can be expected. There are also hurricane-like gusts of wind. According to current forecasts, this means an HQ20 to 30 for the Danube. On the southern feeder rivers, an HQ30 and locally higher is possible. In the Waldviertel you have to expect up to HQ100, and in some places on the Kamp even higher. Emergency organizations prepare for evacuations together with district governors and municipalities – where they might be necessary – and inform citizens accordingly. The affected communities in the districts of Zwettl, Horn, Krems and Tulln will be declared a disaster area. The fire brigade sets up mobile flood protection and protects critical infrastructure, is deployed with two KHD (disaster relief service) trains and all district staff, and large pumps are also available.

After the briefing, State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner emphasized: “The coming hours will be the hours of truth for flood protection and will be a massive test for our emergency services and numerous compatriots. I ask all Lower Austrians in the affected regions to prepare and prepare for further rainfall and rising flood levels, to remain vigilant and to follow the instructions of the emergency services. We expect challenges of historical dimensions, especially in the Waldviertel. I would like to thank the state leadership staff under the leadership of Stephan Pernkopf, all emergency services and volunteers who are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of our compatriots.”

Further information: DI Jürgen Maier, press spokesman LH-Deputy. Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, telephone: +43 2742 9005 – 12704, mobile: +43 676 812 15283, email


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