Millions of people are currently suffering from cold symptoms such as cough, runny nose or sore throat. Due to infrequent doctor’s appointments and overcrowded waiting rooms, many affected people first look for advice and help online. In the last few weeks, for example, over 3,000 people with cold symptoms have surveyed the symptom checker in the ADAC Medical app. The service, which is free for members and non-members, is one of four services in the Medical App and is evidence-based.
According to ADAC experts, an initial digital assessment of cold symptoms such as coughing can be useful in order to consider whether to visit the doctor. For example, factors such as “dry cough”, “productive cough” or pain when coughing play a role here. “The current complaints are mostly closely related to respiratory diseases,” says Jens Schwietring, head of medicine at ADAC Luftrettung. According to Schwietring, those affected can be given a time guideline when coughing. “As long as the cough doesn’t last longer than ten days and is accompanied by classic cold symptoms, a visit to the doctor is usually not absolutely necessary,” explains the ADAC expert. However, in the case of more severe and persistent cases and symptoms such as fever, a doctor should be consulted.
Users of the symptom checker are carefully guided through the initial medical history based on the symptoms. To do this, they answer questions about your health and other symptoms, which are evaluated in real time. According to current evaluations by the ADAC Medical App, colds, viral sinusitis and coughs are among the three most common underlying illnesses in October and November.
The ADAC Medical app can be downloaded free of charge from the Play Store or App Store. Symptom check and pharmacy service can be used by all users of the app, regardless of ADAC membership. Access to telemedical advice is only available to club members or holders of ADAC international health insurance.
All information about the medical app and the symptom checker can be found at