AKS selects new team for school year 2024/25

Federal conference of the Action of Critical Students under the motto #stand up together

Vienna (OTS) The 25th Federal Conference of the Action of Critical Students took place on the weekend of July 13th and 14th, 2024. The motto of the event was #standing together. Over 70 students met in Vienna to exchange ideas about educational and socio-political issues, to decide on the organization’s content for the coming year and to elect a new federal commission.

The delegates elected Tyrolean Dede Koudouovoh as the new federal chairwoman and successor to Lina Feurstein, who is stepping down after two years as federal chairwoman. Julia Barnay will be Federal Secretary for the coming school year. The team is completed by Ello Wachter, Rosa Fein, Bianca Ivan and Judith Gurtner.

In addition to the election of the new federal team, numerous motions and resolutions were discussed and voted on. “We have to deal with issues that affect students in their everyday lives; we cannot ignore social policy.”, explains the new federal chairwoman Dede Koudouovoh.

The super election year and the danger of a Europe-wide shift to the right were mentioned and discussed again and again. “Especially now, when anti-democratic and anti-human rights voices are becoming ever stronger, it is our job to be a strong and loud voice for all students.”, Koudouovoh sums it up.

Questions & Contact:

Action by critical students
Judith Gurtner, press spokeswoman
+43 676 7783480, judith.gurtner@aks.at


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