AK Price Monitor: Dramatic increase in food prices since the beginning of the wave of inflation!

Food and drugstore goods at a high price level – prices of the cheapest food and drugstore goods have hardly increased year-on-year – branded products are more expensive

Vienna (OTS) Since the wave of inflation in September 2021, there has been a steep price increase for the cheapest foods – they cost a whopping 44 percent more. Both the cheapest and branded food and drugstore goods are now stuck at high prices. In December and January year-on-year comparison, the cheapest food and drugstore goods hardly became more expensive, branded products did – on average over four percent. This is shown by AK surveys of discounters, supermarkets and their online shops.

An AK price monitor from the beginning of December 2023 at seven Viennese supermarkets and discounters (Hofer, Lidl, Penny, Billa, Billa Plus, Interspar, Spar) shows: The cheapest food and some cleaning products increased by an average of 1.6 percent between December 2022 and December 2023 become more expensive. In December 2022, the shopping cart cost an average of 72.40 euros, and in December 2023 it cost just under 74 euros. Some foods became noticeably more expensive, for example the cheapest potatoes (one kilogram) cost an average of 0.78 euros in December 2022 and 1.14 euros in December 2023 – that’s an increase of 46 percent.

Since the wave of inflation began in September 2021, the cheapest foods have risen sharply – by an average of almost 44 percent. Since September 2021, with the exception of dessert apples, there have only been price increases for individual products; for some, the prices have almost doubled: for example, potatoes have increased by around 102 percent, sunflower oil by around 99 percent, penne pasta by around 90 percent and Flour around 88 percent more.

The AK also raised the prices of the cheapest drugstore goods available in the online shops and branches of Bipa, DM and Müller in January. The AK price monitor shows: The cheapest drugstore goods cost an average of 0.6 percent more in online shops in January 2024 than in January 2023, but in stores they were an average of 1.3 percent cheaper.

Prices for branded products continue to rise: branded drugstore goods in the online shops of Bipa, DM, Müller, Billa and Interspar became more expensive by an average of 4.2 percent between December 2022 and December 2023. In December 2023, consumers in the online shops of Billa and Interspar had to pay 4.5 percent more for branded food than a year ago.

SERVICE: The AK price monitor cheapest food and the AK price monitor cheapest drugstore goods and branded drugstore goods and foodstuffs wien.arbeiterkammer.at/billigelebensmittel.

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Vienna Chamber of Labor – Communication
Doris Stretcher
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