AK President Stangl on the distribution of the third third: “No election candy, but relief for the employees!”

Linz (OTS) The distribution of the third third to compensate for the cold progression is imminent. In total, around 650 million euros will be distributed. AK President Stangl appeals to the coalition parties to act in a non-partisan manner and for the benefit of the employees. The funds should not mutate into black-green election candy, but should provide relief to those who have been most affected by inflation in recent years.

The term of government of the black-green coalition is coming to an end. However, there are still important decisions to be made, such as the distribution of the third third to compensate for the cold progression. An agreement on how tax revenue will be distributed is expected shortly. AK President Andreas Stangl warns: “The approximately 650 million euros should not mutate into electoral candy, but should primarily benefit those people with low or middle incomes. They have suffered the most from inflation in recent years, particularly in energy costs and rents.

In addition, the long overdue increase in mileage allowances as well as daily and overnight allowances should be made. Furthermore, AK President Andreas Stangl is calling for the commuter allowance to be converted into an income-independent deduction with an eco-bonus. In this way, the preference for higher earners can finally be corrected. In addition, the use of public transport to get to work should also be honored in the commuter allowance.

Imbalances in the tax system have worsened
The latest OECD report has again shown that Austria is one of the countries with the highest tax rates for employees. Only in Germany and Belgium are employees asked to pay even more through taxes and contributions. “Despite many recommendations from national and international organizations, the black-green federal government did not use its time in government to resolve the tax imbalance in Austria“, says AK President Andreas Stangl. Quite the opposite: it has made the situation even worse by reducing corporate profit taxation twice. Employees still bear around 80 percent of taxes and duties in Austria, while millionaires and billionaires received tax gifts.

AK demands tax justice
In order to get the tax imbalance under control, the AK believes that there needs to be significant relief for employees and, as a first step, the immediate reversal of tax cuts on company profits.

Questions & Contact:

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria – Communication
Bianca Karr-Sajtarevic, MSc
+43 (0)50 6906 2174

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