AK OÖ for Carers’ Day: Growing challenges in the care and nursing of people with disabilities

Improvements are needed in the entire health, care and social sectors, especially modern personnel calculations, improvements in working conditions and fair pay. The fact that entire groups of employees are forgotten, as with the care bonus, must not be allowed to happen again

AK President Andreas Stangl

Linz (OTS)

Employees in the health and social sectors deliver top performance. In their daily work they are exposed to stressful working and general conditions. In particular, the care and support of people with disabilities (mentally, psychologically, physically or multiple times) faces growing challenges. Older people with disabilities require more complex care, which in turn places great strain on the care and nursing staff. For AK President Andreas Stangl one thing is certain: “Improvements are needed in the entire health, care and social sectors, especially modern personnel calculations, improvements in working conditions and fair pay. The fact that entire groups of employees are forgotten, as with the care bonus, must not be allowed to happen again“.

Humans are getting older. This also increases the need for necessary care and support. In addition, the number of older people with disabilities will continue to rise in the coming years. For people with multiple impairments, nursing activities in particular are increasing. This creates some challenges for nursing staff:

  1. More complex health problems: As people age, health problems often arise, making it difficult to provide appropriate care. Nurses must deal with complex medical needs and may need to learn additional specializations.
  2. Increased need for support: Older people with disabilities usually require more intensive and long-term support. This requires increased care and attention from caregivers.
  3. Mobility challenges: With age, mobility can worsen. Caregivers may need to use additional aids and learn special support techniques to maintain the affected person’s freedom of movement.
  4. Mental health: Older people with disabilities may face mental health problems such as anxiety, depression or dementia. Caregivers must be sensitive to these psychological needs and provide appropriate support options.

Overall, the aging population represents a major challenge for care and nursing professionals in the equal opportunity sector (which includes people with disabilities). It requires increased attention to the changing needs and requirements of older people with disabilities in order to ensure high quality care. The equal opportunities sector and, above all, those working in it are faced with increasing challenges that have so far been largely overlooked.

The demands of the AK Upper Austria on the state of Upper Austria are derived from this:

  • Remove cost pressure from the system: A clear commitment to financing the health, care and social sectors, because the costs are rising more than the inflation rate. Especially when you take into account that around 30,000 disabled people were murdered by the National Socialists in Hartheim alone by 1945.
  • Adapt personnel calculation models to today’s times: Contemporary personnel calculation models that take current circumstances into account in all areas and professional groups. Downtime (sick leave, vacation, further training) must be taken into account in the personnel calculations.
  • The training offensive must be expanded
  • In order to cover current and future personnel needs in nursing and care, a real training offensive is needed in Upper Austria. The state of Upper Austria must work with the AMS to create concrete solutions to improve the training situation. These include, for example, attractive offers for those switching and returning to work. Anyone who trains in a health profession must be able to afford it. There is therefore a need for financial security and employment during training, an information campaign and sufficient training places (also part-time, in the evenings and on weekends).
  • Easier access to heavy work pensions for nursing staff
  • For most nursing staff, staying on until statutory retirement age is unimaginable given the current working and general conditions. There needs to be easier access to heavy-duty pensions for nursing staff and employees in other health professions.
  • Ergonomic evaluations necessary
    An occupational science assessment of the work for all professional groups and functions in health and social facilities is absolutely necessary in the long term.

    You can find the detailed press release as well as a photo with AK President Andreas Stangl and Martina Rohrmanstorfer, chairwoman of the Lebenshilfe Upper Austria works council here.
    Copyright: Christoph Staudinger, AK OÖ

Questions & Contact:

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria – Communication
Mag. Rainer Brunhofer
+43 (0)50 6906 2185

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